標題: 兩岸智慧電網管理系統之比較分析
A Comparative Analysis of Smart
作者: 胡智元
Hu, Zhi-Yuan
Xu, Zuo-Sheng
關鍵字: 智慧電網;智慧電表;電表資訊管理系統;能源資通訊產業;Smart gird;Smart meter;meter data management system;EICT industry
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 當前全球面臨氣候變遷及能源短缺的危機,在對新能源發電尚未普及應用之前,供需失衡的問題致使油電不只是「價格不斷上揚」,即將面臨的還可能是「有錢也買不到」的局面。在「不想加蓋核電廠」的前提下,有效解決能源危機已成為全球不得不處理的課題。目前各國均投入大量資源發展「智慧電網」(Smart Grid),將電力網路的智能化運用視為解決燃眉之急的新出路。 兩岸無論在地緣、歷史上都有著密不可分的關係,如果兩岸在純經濟領域裡相互合作,結合台灣所擁有的技術資本與大陸豐沛勞力,再配合經濟全球化的大趨勢必定能夠大幅提升台灣與大陸在國際經濟上影響力,進而促進兩岸的經濟繁榮。 建立智慧電網的關鍵就在於如何改變後端之使用者的行為以及提升誘因之用電端產業,因此本研究主要分析在智慧電網價值鏈中,位於後端用戶及管理系統產業之兩岸競合關係。因產業含量廣泛,因此將專注研究於智慧電錶產業、電表資料管理系統產業、能源資通訊產業三個產業。利用產業組合分析矩陣產業生命週期以及產業價值鏈(產業技術能力階段)來分析其個別產業及其子系統產業之定位。希望藉此可以提供我國政府相關政策之參考建議 分析結果顯示除了智慧電表產業兩岸有明顯的發展之外,其餘在電表資訊管理系統產業、以及能源資通訊產業皆無明顯之發展,證明兩岸在這兩個產業都還屬於初步萌芽之階段,雖有自主性技術研發但目前主要技術還掌握在歐美大廠,需與其合作方能建置成功。
Aging grid infrastructure, rising energy costs and demand, and new and pending government legislation are some of the factors motivating consumers and utilities alike to seek more energy efficient, sustainable solutions. Smart grid technologies are the key to addressing these challenges and bringing energy management to the masses. The smart grid is a concept referring to the application of digital technology to the electric power sector. It is not one specific technology. Rather, the smart grid consists of a suite of technologies expected to improve the performance, reliability, and controllability of the electrical grid. Many of these technologies have been employed in other sectors of the economy, such as the telecommunications and manufacturing sectors. This thesis reports on an analysis of Smart grid management system Across Taiwan Strait, and focus on smart meter, meter data management system, and EICT industry. I hope other companies even government can regard as a reference while making decisions or policies. The results of the analysis are except the smart meter industry, meter data management system industry, and EICT industry across the Taiwan Strait are in germination period. The core technologies are still from occident firms so far, cooperate with them will be able to be succeed.


  1. 552601.pdf

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