Title: 創新歷程研究-以行動通訊產業宏達電為例
The Innovation Process Research-a case study of HTC in Mobile telecommunication industry
Authors: 翁于荃
Weng, Yu-Chuan
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 創新;宏達電;行動通訊產業;Innovation;HTC;Movile Telecommunication Industry
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著全球競爭激烈的環境及消費者偏好的變遷,迫使台灣企業紛紛期望自身 能夠提供最好、最便宜的產品給顧客,成為市場的佼佼者,並期望能夠找到下一 個能幫助企業成長的動力、獲利的市場。然而多數企業卻因為無法快速捕捉迎面 而來的機會,失去了持續成長的機會。因此在這樣的情境下,越來越多的企業在 思考如何在快速變動的產業環境當中,透過創新維持成長。 本研究透過個案研究方式,從探討創新定義及其形式與解析產業環境,嘗試 逐步有系統的分析個案公司在過去創新的過程是如何造就今日國際手機大廠之 契機,並整理出個案公司創新模式脈絡及其成效。本研究發現,該企業之創新歷 程中,個案公司使用了包括技術與產品創新、顧客價值與行銷創新到商業模式與 管理等方面的創新。儘管身處競爭激烈的高科技產業,面臨全球化的競爭,卻具 彈性的應對,並持續創新,以在產業環境快速變遷下保持不敗;個案公司也透過 與外部網絡互通合作,增進自我研發設計能力;在建立自有品牌後,整合了製造、研發與行銷能力,成功地建立微笑曲線兩端的橋樑。而對創新的重視有助於企業不斷取得創新能力與資產。因此如何在追求高成長與獲利下持續創新將會是很重要的議題。企業對持續創新與顧客價值的重視,創造持續成長的另一條道路。
With the bitter competitive global environment and the change of consumer preference, most of Taiwan's companies are eager to provide the best and the cheapest product to their customers, becoming "premiere" in the competition, and expect to find another profitable market to make them grow. However, most corporates miss trains that would pass through the new growth platforms. In this situation, more and more corporates are thinking about how to use innovation to sustain and grow with rapid movement in their industry. This research aims to study how and why innovation is a vital issue for corporation to grow. Hence, this research tracks the innovation action of a mobile device manufacturer from 1997 to 2011 to show how innovation can be operationalized and attempt to draw the trajectory about innovation formation in this rapid growth corporate. The conclusion focus on the patterns of innovation change and key factors for strength while sustaining in the competitive high-tech industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis