標題: 運動員贊助對品牌權益影響之研究
The Study on the Effects of Athlete Sponsorship on Brand Equity
作者: 謝孟軒
Hsieh, Meng-Hsuan
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 贊助;運動員;品牌權益;贊助商可信度;sponsorship;athlete identification;brand equity;sponsor credibility
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 對於現今全球的企業而言,贊助在行銷活動中的重要性正逐漸提升,但此領域的學術研究仍稍嫌不足。本研究檢驗消費者對於被贊助的運動員與贊助商之間所知覺的適合度,將會影響贊助商的信賴度進而導致更高的品牌權益。研究結果顯示支持者對於運動員的認同度,以及其對於運動員與贊助商品牌之間的適合度會影響贊助商的信賴度,而贊助商的信賴度又為企業建立品牌權益時的重要角色。本研究提供的管理意涵期以作為企業未來在贊助運動員時之參考依據。
Despite of the increasing importance of sports sponsorship in marketing activities for companies across the world, academic research in this area is still inadequate. This research examines the consumer’s perception of a sponsored athlete that competes in a non-team sport as well as the congruence between the athlete and the sponsor will have an effect on the sponsor’s credibility and lead to higher brand equity. The results suggest that a fan’s degree of identification with the athlete along with the level of perceived congruence between the athlete and the sponsor’s brand affects the sponsor’s credibility. The sponsor’s credibility plays an important role in establishing brand equity. The managerial implications of the findings for companies looking to sponsor sports entities are outlined and discussed.