DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Hsuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chih-Hsiungen_US
dc.description.abstract  墮胎是長久存在之事實,從各國法律規範之更迭可見其變遷不斷的歷史,涉及不同領域間動態的角力鬥爭,無論墮胎行為是否全面除罪化,當今世界各國立法政策漸趨寬鬆已為不爭的事實;衡諸我國法制現況,不但禁止婦女於懷孕早期不具任何理由進行人工流產之可能性,且對懷孕晚期的墮胎限制亦屬嚴苛,而隨著生育率逐年下降,優生保健法修正草案更增加許多過去所無之程序限制,實難謂我國婦女有完整生育自主權。   本文首先回顧我國當今對墮胎行為之規範體系,包含以禁止墮胎為原則之刑法墮胎罪章,以及列舉容許墮胎行為要件之優生保健法及其修正草案,並針對我國司法實務判決進行實證研究,包含近十年地方法院刑事第一審案件與簡易判決案件,以及近年與「優生保健法」相關之民、刑事判決,針對判決中對墮胎罪保護法益之論述、涉及之優生保健法條文為討論,另以三個較重要之案例點出我國現行規範不足之處。其次透過外國法文獻,介紹支持生命權(pro-life)與擁護選擇權(pro-choice)對立之主張,並以德國、美國聯邦最高法院歷年相關判決,呈現墮胎權與其他權利拉鋸過程,並進一步探討胎兒於我國法律上地位,最後,探討生育自主權於我國法規範保障之權利內涵及地位,藉以彰顯女性作為生育事項的基本權利主體,從而檢視現行法之不足與困境。本文另一重心為探討終止懷孕之法規範模式,以各容許事由類型為起點,討論個別規範目的、時效性、以及彼此間交互作用,進而分別自人工流產前、中、後等不同時點,討論人工流產程序要件;最後,以我國現行法與行政院版之修正草案為本,討論隨著懷孕時程推進,法律應如何規範始為合理正當,以對現行法修正方向之建議作為總結。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract  Abortion has been a longstanding practice, and the vicissitudes of its history is embodied in the evolution of worldwide abortion regulations, which involves a plethora of issues from various fields and subjects. Regardless of whether it is decriminalized, there is an irrefutable trend of liberalism towards abortion regulations worldwide. As to the current regulations in Taiwan, women are not only prohibited from terminating pregnancy in early stage, but also rarely allowed to undergo late-term abortion. In addition, due to the declining birth rate, the draft amendment of Genetic Health Law stipulates many procedural requirements, further impinging women's reproductive rights.   To begin, this article analyzes current abortion regulations in Taiwan, including the Criminal Code, Genetic Health Law and its draft amendment. The empirical studies of judgment are later analyzed, which consist of the first criminal cases and the simple proceedings during the past 10 years, and both civil and criminal cases related to Genetic Health Law. The studies focus on the rationale of the legal interest of offense of abortion along with the provisions involved, and employ three cases to remonstrate the deficiency of current regulations. Furthermore, this article attempts to articulate the controversy over abortion in the antagonism between advocates of pro-life and proponents of pro-choice via the study of comparative law; it would introduce the Supreme Court cases in both Germany and the United States as evidence to demonstrate the seesaw battle between the right to abortion and other rights, followed by the debate of legal status of fetus in Taiwan. Moreover, this article endeavors to articulate the substance and principle behind reproductive rights in order to empower women as the subject of this fundamental right and thus reviews current regulations. This article also puts emphasis on the regulatory models in terminating pregnancy; it deals with the legislative purpose, time factor, and the interaction between the recognized indications, so as to analyze the procedural prerequisites in the beginning, during, and the termination of abortion. Lastly, based on current regulation and the draft amendment from the Executive Yuan, this article makes an effort to propose a regulation, in compliance with legality and legitimacy, with the progression of pregnancy.en_US
dc.subjectGenetic Health Lawen_US
dc.subjectReproductive Righten_US
dc.titleThe Legal Elements and Time Limit of Abortion: From the Perspective of Reproductive Rightsen_US