標題: 亡者的新生-死後生殖之法律與政策
Birth After Death-The Law and Policy of Posthumous Procreation
作者: 李怡萱
Yi-Hsuan Lee
Chi-Chieh Lin
Chi-Hsiung Chen
關鍵字: 死後生殖;死後取精;人工生殖法;人工生殖;身體/遺體自主權;生育自主權;子女最佳利益;posthumous procreation;posthumous reproduction;posthumous conception;Artificial Reproduction Law;artificial reproduction;body right;reproduction right;best interest of the child
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文乃欲探討死後生殖之合法可能性,並以「有條件合法化死後生殖」為主軸,討論法律及政策之相關配套措施。現行人工生殖法雖全面禁止死後生殖之實行,然於科技可能,生育市場又具有需求龐大且超越國界等特性,全面禁止恐難達到預期之效,故本論文將以科技與法律之間的缺漏著眼,兼顧各利益相關,研擬立法建議及政策評估配套,以期達成社會整體效益最大化之目標。研究方法除採用回顧及分析相關文獻法,蒐集國內外學說及實務層面相關討論外,更採用法學實證研究法之深度訪談法,取得實務專業人士之寶貴意見,以建立屬於本土的法的論述。 本論文之研究結果發現,若欲開放死後生殖,需達成下列兩大目標:首先,死者的意志需確切落實,以實現其精子處分自由,及身體/遺體自主權,同時,現行人工生殖法對於施術主體資格之限制,並不具有法律上正當性,有違憲之嫌而應予以刪除,以兼顧死者配偶或伴侶之生育自主權;再者,死後生殖子女之法律身份及身心環境亦需加以確保,故應以子女最佳利益為原則,針對現行親屬、繼承等相關規定酌以調整,如將親子關係與繼承關係脫鉤認定,並規劃等待期間及身心評估等配套措施。雖然死後生殖尚未立法通過,但隨著生殖科技使用態度的轉變,以及生育選擇的多元發展趨勢,未來可能出現更多欲行死後生殖之個案,故本論文希冀以前瞻性的角度,挑戰傳統法學中,深刻且固有的法律概念,並作為後續研究的基石,以及立法與政策制訂者參考之依據。
The objective of the thesis is to achieve the “conditional legalization of posthumous procreation” and give law and policy suggestions. Although the current Artificial Reproduction Law completely prohibits posthumous procreation, the effect is unclear because of the developed bio-technology and the tremendous growing demand of reproductive market. As a result, the thesis will not only focus on the gap between technologies and current law, but give law and policy suggestions for the total maximum welfare of the society. The researching methods are reviewing and analysis of papers and legal empirical study. Theories and discussions about posthumous procreation are gathered to be the analytical basis of moral conflicts and value debates. Also, to fit in with the social customs and people feelings, the depth interview method of legal empirical study is taken to establish the law of the land. The conclusion of the thesis can be divided into two parts. First, the will of the dead should be realized. On the other hand, the restrictions in the current Artificial Reproduction Law, such as prohibiting unmarried people to take artificial reproduction operation, do not satisfy the due process of Constitution. Second, the law status and physical and mental environment of posthumous children should also be protected. For best interest of the child, we can revise the current law and plan the prior evaluation project. Although posthumous procreation is illegal now, more and more cases are anticipated by the transformation of using attitude of bio-technology and the trend of multiple reproductive choices. Hope the thesis will become the pilot study and the basis of law-making and policy-establishing.


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