標題: 社群平台與使用者經驗研究
Social Networking Platforms and User Experience Research
作者: 陳怡靜
Chen, Yi-Ching
Lee, Jim Jiunde
關鍵字: 網路社群;動機;人際發展;社群平台;人際互動;Internet social networks;Motives;Social relationship development;Social Networking Services;Social interaction
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 自網際網路發展以來,網路上的社群無所不在,用戶透過網路與他人進行互動,並且分享各類資訊。早期有論壇、部落格等形式可以聚集一群志同道合的網友,現在由於社群網站的興起,用戶全都聚集在特定的平台中,而平台也提供了相關的模組讓用戶可以自行成立社群,並且邀請親朋好友加入,但盡管社群網站提供了這樣的客製化模組供使用者使用,其他的論壇或部落格等平台依然在用戶生活中扮演一定的角色,現今使用者在不同的平台之間遊走則習以為常。 本研究欲在社群網站的環境之下,以不同動機的使用者與不同關係程度的對象,來了解在這樣的交互關係之下,使用者進行互動的目的為何,進而分析整體互動的脈絡,來了解平台可提供哪些工具來幫助使用者加強社會互動。根據以上目的,本研究發展二十六個提項的社會動機問卷來確認使用者的動機後,從中邀請適合的使用者參與研究,以文化探針以及訪談法來蒐集資料,並進一步以活動理論作為上述資料蒐集與分析架構。 分析後發現使用者主要有「友誼延續」、「生活消遣」、「資訊互助」、「自我提昇」四種動機,這四種動機在面對陌生人、泛泛之交與親密好友的情況之下,其互動模式與目的均不相同。除此之外,本研究對社群平台設計也有幾項建議,作為平台長久發展之規劃:(1)在社群圈子內可直接顯示社群成員在整個社群平台上的個人發言,以及在圈子內的發言,增加社群歸屬感;(2)提供純聊天系統,減少互動時的干擾;(3)提供社群專屬個人簡歷,便於成員間尋求幫助;(4)提供具整理討論內容的虛擬會議空間。
Ever since the development of the Internet, social networks are everywhere. Users use the Internet to interact with others and share many various kinds of information. In earlier stages, forums and blogs are commonly used for people who share the same interests. Now with the rise of Social Networking Services (SNS), all users are gathered on a specific platform. The platform provides related modules for users to set up customized social networks and allows users to invite friends to join them. Even though SNS provide this kind of customized modules for users, exclusive forums and blogs still play an important role in users’ daily lives. It was quite common that a user might browse and operate more than one SNS platforms nowadays. The present study planned to inquire the different levels of social relationships of users with different motivations in the SNS environment, tring to reveal the interaction objectives of them. Moreover, this research would analyze the interaction as a whole context to investigate what interface tools may be helpful to enhance user social interaction. Based on above purposes, the researcher first developed and managed 26 items of Social Motivation questionnaires to identified users’ social motivations, then invited the appropriate users to participate in this study. Framing by the activity theory, the culture probe approach and deep interviews were applied to collect and to analyze user experience data. In conclusion, there were four main types of social motivations: “Continuation of friendship”, “Entertainment”, “Information sharing”, and “Self-enhancement”. Both the interaction modes and objectives of these four types of motivation users varied when interacted with their different relationship contacts, such as strangers, acquaintances or close friends. In addition, this research also provides suggestions of SNS design for the long-tern development, including: (1) In the group, both showing the individual posts on the SNS and the private posts in that groups to enhance the sense of belonging; (2) Provides simple talking system to reduce the interference when users are interacting; (3) Provides the exclusive profile of the group to make it easier to members for help; (4) Provides the virtual conference room with the function of arranging discussions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis