標題: 網路傳播科技對於蘭嶼反核廢運動之社會資本的動員與凝聚
Social capital and indigenous social movement: How Internet affect the anti-nuclear movement in Orchid Island
作者: 劉嘉偉
Liu, Chia-Wei
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 社會資本;網際網路;社會運動;蘭嶼;達悟族;反核廢運動;Social Capital;Internet;Social Movement;Orchid Island;Anti-nuclear waste
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著網路傳播科技的發展,其即時性與網絡化連結的特質,正逐漸改寫社會運動的集結過程;對於原住民社會運動而言,網路可以作為凝聚部落共識、擴大動員網絡、凝聚運動所需之社會資本的重要平台。據此,本文援用社會資本之「網絡」、「規範」與「資源」的概念體系,對於新舊兩代蘭嶼反核廢運動進行比較分析,試圖瞭解網路傳播科技對於原住民社會運動之社會資本的動員與凝聚。研究採取民族誌研究方法,共進行19人次的深度訪談與2次正式的參與觀察。 研究發現,舊世代的反核廢運動是透過教會與家族網絡進行動員,網絡同質性高,能凝聚較強的行動規範;其次,他們挪用傳統的「惡靈(anito)」符號進行抗爭,能連結族群認同、凝聚較高的反抗能量。相對於此,新世代的達悟青年則透過網際網路,克服地理限制,擴大動員的人際網絡;但由於網絡異質性較高,建立長期而穩定的行動規範則是未來重要的挑戰。最後,物質資源的缺乏,仍是新、舊世代所共同遭遇的困境。
This article applies social capital to compare the differences between the aboriginal (Tao) young and the old generation, to explore how Internet affect the anti-nuclear campaign’s social networks, norms, and resources. To understand Tao’s life experiences, participant observation and in-depth interview was taken as the research method. The finding of this research indicates that the old generation used church systems and the family networks to mobilize people. Meanwhile, the appropriation from the traditional symbols, Anito (evil spirit), articulated the cultural identity and release the higher protest power. Therefore, the young generation overcame the geographic isolation, expanded the social networks and mobilized more heterogeneous groups with the help of the Internet. However, due to the heterogeneous social networks, it was much difficult for the young generation to maintain sustainable commitments among members. Finally, the old and the young generation are facing the same obstacles, which are lacking economic and material resources.


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