標題: 螢光幕後的情緒反應:檢視電視台節目部工作人員之人際衝突、情緒反應及溝通策略
Examining the Relationships among Interpersonal Conflicts, Emotions, and Communication Strategies: A Study on Televisions’ Employees
作者: 張雅菁
Chang, Ya-Ching
Li, Shu-Chu
關鍵字: 人際衝突;情緒管理;情緒反應;情感事件理論;Interpersonal Conflict;Emotion Management;Affective Events Theory
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以情感事件理論探討電視台節目部工作人員面對人際衝突時的情緒反應以及溝通因應策略,研究方法包含了質化的深度訪談法以及量化的問卷調查法,共有30位工作人員參與本研究,最終蒐集了110件人際衝突事件。人際衝突事件的分類方式包含衝突對象的不同:部屬、同事、上司以及利害關係人;事件類型的不同:關係型衝突、任務型衝突以及程序型衝突。 本研究結果顯示,個人歷經人際衝突事件後所產生的「正面性情緒」越高,越可能採取「提供更多資源」作為溝通策略;反之,則傾向採取「讓步」、「隱藏真實情緒」、「遠離對方」、「開玩笑」以及「找第三者溝通」溝通策略。再者,當個人歷經人際衝突事件後所產生的「緊繃性情緒」越低,則越傾向選擇「說服」作為溝通策略。本研究證實個人的情緒反應確實會影響後續的情感驅使行為。
This study examines the relationships among interpersonal conflicts, emotions, and communication strategies in Taiwan’s television stations. Using affective events theory as the theoretical framework, this study conducted 30 intensive interviews on televisions’ employees, from which 110 interpersonal conflict events were collected. The results shows that there was a positive relationship between positive emotions and the use of “providing more resources” strategy and that there were negative relationships between positive emotions and the use of the following five strategies--“yielding”, “hide the real emotions”, “away from each other”, “kidding”, and “look for 3rd party’s help”. This study found that different types of interpersonal conflicts were associated with different emotions, which in turn were associated with the use of different communication strategies. Generally speaking, this study verified the propositions of the affective events theory.
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