標題: 顛覆暴力:女性玩家於暴力遊戲的性別操演探索
Subversion of Violence:Performative Acts of Female Gamers.
作者: 張醒宇
Chang, Hsing-Yu
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 數位遊戲;女性特質;女性玩家;性別認同;性別賦權;digital game;femininity;female player;gender identity;gender empowerment
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 數位遊戲原是偏向男性主導的知識領域,因應著女性玩家的增加,遂有專為女性打造的遊戲,開展出性別二元對立的遊戲光譜。當女性玩家越界蘊含男性氣概的暴力遊戲,則可能挑戰社會對女性的期待及自身的性別位置。鑒於此,本研究以「遊戲文本」、「外在情境」與「性別認同」為研究架構,採取行為觀察與深度訪談,試圖瞭解女性的多元性別特質與女性觀點下的暴力意涵。 研究結果有三:第一,遊戲的敘事文本,以團隊合作與破解任務的目標包裝著暴力元素,明確的量化規則使玩家容易淡化處理暴力意涵。第二,外在情境則進入玩家的日常生活脈絡,科技環境、家庭與同儕,形成拉扯力量,影響玩家親近遊戲。第三,女性玩家的人格特質與同盟關係,使單面向女性形象轉向多面向女性,衝擊著二元對立的性別框架。整體而言,本研究發現女性玩家在數位遊戲中有不同表現,首先,女性在遊戲世界裡不再是接受幫助的邊陲角色,而是能佔據強者的位置。再者,透過數位遊戲,女性得以降低與身俱來的性別特質,以遊戲作為兩性平等相處的策略,亦醞釀著突破性別差異的可能。
Digital games have been varied from the tendency with male-dominated thinking to exclusive female games. The expanding popular cultural phenomenon could be attributed to increasingly female gamers. In this study, we explored females’ opinions toward violent video games, and how female players manage conflicts between games’ culture and feminine characteristics. This research is designed to interview 8 senior female players and adopted narrative methodology analyzing 3 violent video games. Three results have been found. Firstly, gamers are getting too resulted-oriented to ignore violent elements from the game's narration and quantitative rules. Secondly, powerful politics of each parent and peers’ commitments construct players’ gendered gaming identity. Of the utmost importance part is that female players construct their self-identity with help of female bonding, empowers them to challenge negative feminine characteristics.


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