DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract傳統建築設計中,建築師透過建築語彙的操作,引導使用者感受到建築企圖傳達的氛圍。這其中包含了許多預期中或不被預期中的因素,包括光線、聲音、 材質、尺度、使用者的行為等等,共同成就了一個空間的調性。為了塑造出心中預想的某一種結果,建築師開始反推所需的各種空間元素,逐一放置,這種轉化的功力必須經過透過教育、經驗累積內化之後慢慢在作品之中展現。正如同音樂家透過音樂抒發情感,建築師也將感受轉譯成建築型體包圍人們。 然而隨著電腦數位工具的發達,開始有各式各樣的工具可以幫助建築師模擬計算各種影響因子下,產生不同的結果。模擬計算是否準確,牽涉到輸入端的影響因子、計算的公式或工具、透過的媒材、以及使用者的經驗等等。電腦成為建築設計的輔助工具,幫助呈現或推算設計的結果。 現今,在數位科技的影響,,建築的存在以及呈現不再侷限於實體模型或實體建築,它也可呈現在各種媒體上,甚至它的意涵也被拓展至各種非實體構造物上;各種可互動的、虛擬的物件所構築而成的數位環境,包含實體與虛體的,成為數位時代中被延伸的建築創造。另外,建築表達不再僅限傳統的語彙,而可以透過不同的媒材互相彰顯,產生出互動、豐富的呈現方式。 數位科技的一個重要的特徵是轉譯,透過資訊的轉譯,數位運算才得以發揮作用,而這樣的資訊轉譯也可以對比至生物界中的轉譯過程。轉譯,是蛋白質生物合成過程中的一步。轉譯是根據遺傳密碼的中心法則,將成熟的信使RNA分子解碼,並生成對應的特定胺基酸序列的過程。這一連串的步驟對比於建築手法,如同概念因子藉由操作手法轉換成成果。本論文基於轉譯的觀點,透過以下五種不同的設定,試驗不同媒材下,不同轉譯規則下建築的轉換形式及產生結果的新可能性。 1.數據轉譯成圖像 [Behind the Great Migration __大遷徙背後的信息]:運用傳統的媒材,轉譯成大 量訊息之中隱含的意義,使其成為可視的,可被閱讀的平面作品。 2.聽覺轉譯為視覺 Frozen Music__音樂可視性:透過既有的規則系統轉化,將聽覺視覺化,使音 樂眼見為憑。 3.自然資訊轉譯為建築實體 Sunlight Sculptured Elevation__光雕塑生態建築立面:透過電腦運算翻譯自然界 的環境因子,使其轉換成一串數據可被利用於建築表面,打造舒適的室內空 間。 4.情境轉譯為互動機制 Crossing the Boundry__虛實與物質狀態轉換:運用特定軟體來當作虛擬世界與 現實世界之間的橋梁與翻譯。 5.自然機制轉譯為人機互動 Intuitive user interface__人機互動的溝通語言:運算系統的發達之下,建築不 但是居住的容器,也是機器。在此案例中,利用自然機制轉譯為使用者和機器 之間的互動機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe look of a building represents specific architecture language of the architect.The language leads people to sense the difference of the atmosphere. Predictable and unpredictable factors such as light, sound, materials, scale, and the user’s behavior shape the tone of the space. The translation process in Architecture lies when an architect utilize objects with materials to realize his/her design. The ability of translation depends on the architect’s training, experience and background. As musicians reveal emotions through music, architects translate their feelings into architecture. However, the era of computing has come. There are a lot of tools for architects to analyze and to calculate the possibility of different surmises. The accuracy of the simulation is influenced by the selected experimental groups, formulas, tools, material, as well as users’ experiences. Computer has became an important aid to calculate and to show the simulation result. Be influenced by digital technology, architecture present not only on real model, but also on multi-media. Even its meaning is expanded to all kinds of non-physical structure and interactive or virtual objects. A new digital architecture environment which included both physical and virtual element has formed, and it is composed by interactive objects and virtual elements. Therefore, architecture shows its design concept in very different way. We can mix different material through different media to create new architecture element in a new way of presentation. An important feature of digital technology is “translate. Calculation will not count without information translation. In molecular biology, translation is the third stage of protein biosynthesis. In translation, messenger RNA produced by transcription is decoded by the ribosome to produce a specific amino acid chain, which will later fold into an active protein. This concept is very similar to the process when architecture concept transform into design element. Base on this statement, this paper make five different assume, and trying to figure out the new possibilities of architecture translation. 1. Translate data into graphic. Behind the Great Migration __the message behind the Great Migration: This is a project of information visulization. Trying to translate a complicated behavior into diagram by drawing graphic . 2. Translate hearing into vision. Frozen Music__ visible music: Through several rules, auditory transform into visible model, and the music became visible. 3. Translate environment information into physical architecture. Sunlight Sculptured Elevation: Computing the environmental factors of the nature, and convert it into a string of data that can be use on the building surface to create a comfortable indoor space. 4. Translate scenario into interactive action. Crossing the Boundry: Communicate with the virtual space and real space. Use specific software as a bridge to connect two different world. 5. Translate nature into interactive user interface. Intuitive user interface: Computing system is developed quickly, the building is not only “residential container” but also “smart residential machine”.This machine must read human needs to respond their own actions. In this case, people tell machine what to do by simple action without typing orders or complicated code.en_US


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