標題: 高級中等學校免試入學方案實施現況之研究---以桃園招生區為例
A Study on the Implementation of the "Open Admission" Program in Senior High Schools in the District of Taoyuan (Taiwan)
作者: 邱嘉鈴
Ciou, Jia-Ling
Chen, Chi-Yuan
關鍵字: 十二年國民基本教育;免試入學方案;桃園免試就學區;12-year Compulsory Education;Open Admission" Program;The District of Taoyuan
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究主要目的為探討不同利害關係人對我國高級中等學校免試入學方案實施之看法。為達此研究目的,本研究先行瞭解我國國民教育與後期中等學校入學方案之脈絡、十二年國民基本教育與免試入學方案政策之發展,探討美、英、德、法、日五國推動後期中等學校入學方式之特色,並分析我國高級中等學校免試入學方案實施之爭議。並進一步採用半結構性訪談法,以桃園免試就學區為研究範圍,蒐集學生與家長、中等學校方案承辦行政人員以及中等教育教師三類利害關係人對免試入學實施之看法。彙整分析訪談資料後,歸納本研究之研究結果,並提出針對教育部、高中端和國中端未來全面實施免試入學方案之建議。本研究獲致研究結論如下: 壹、受訪者普遍認同十五個就學區的規劃與設置合宜,僅提醒有關當局加強討論共同生活圈的概念,以及盡到即早告知的義務。 貳、受訪教育人員和學生皆感受到國、高中端兩相合作,進行升學選擇輔導機制之成效。而受訪家長則未見感受與認同。 參、受訪教育人員多表示各校正嘗試著營造自身特色,而受訪家長與學生則未有明顯感受。 肆、受訪者普遍認為升學自主性尚未達到校方特色選材、學生適性選校之理念,但至少認同於免試入學下應有多元管道以協助達成此一理念。 伍、受訪者雖普遍認為現階段免試入學方案實施下,升學紓壓成效不明顯,但未來國中若能正常化教學,則樂觀其成效。 陸、明星高中傳統排序迷思短時間未見消彌,但受訪者鼓勵加強高中職優質化,加速社會大眾改變傳統排序思維,有信心長時間後獲得成效。 柒、受訪家長與教師多表示自身對免試入學方案僅有模糊概念,原因推測係基於免試入學方案甫確立,宣傳方案之實質成效待加強。 捌、多元比序指標於今年(101年)四月公布,受訪者對指標的客觀性、公平性與鑑別度仍多有疑慮,未來實施過程是否會造成制度設計以外的影響,則需審慎評估。 玖、受訪者對未來全面推行免試入學方案支持態度參差,但政府若能執行完善之配套措施,將有機會突顯免試入學方案所帶來之正向影響。 拾、於免試入學下,家長感受到培養孩子多元發展之壓力;作為執行者的國中端則承受作業繁複與評分壓力;反倒是接收學生的高中端較少遭遇困難。 拾壹、中等教育人員認為免試入學方案易降低學生學習動機與目標,相對的家長亦擔憂低成就學生對其他同學造成學習上的負面影響。
The main objective of this research study is to discuss different stakeholders’ viewpoints upon the implementation of the open admission program in Taiwan. In order to reach the aim, the research study first focused on the history of Taiwan’s compulsory education and post-secondary education. Also the concentration will be on the development of the 12-year compulsory education policy and the open-admission program. Secondly, the research study, by means of discussing the features of the admission policies and requirements for post-secondary schools in the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Japan, analyzed the controversies of open admissions in Taiwan. Semistructured interview method was finally of use in the research study to collect information about different viewpoints from the main types of stakeholder, students, parents, undertakers, and teachers. The results of the study were generalized after analyzing interview data. The research study in the end provided the Ministry of Education (MOE) with some advice upon open admissions for senior and junior high schools. The principal conclusions were that, 1)Most interviewees agreed that the planning of the fifteen school districts is appropriate, but they suggested the authority to more focus on promoting the concept of living community and to take the responsibility for notification earlier. 2)Both interviewed education workers and students said they have seen the effects the mechanism of education counseling brought through the cooperation of junior and senior high schools. But the interviewed parents said they didn’t feel it. 3)Most interviewed education workers said schools are trying to create their own features while most parents and students could not strongly feel it. 4)Most interviewees said the goal to carry out adaptive instruction and learning is yet to be thoroughly reached, but they agreed the goal would be reached with diverse entrance programs. 5)Though most interviewees said students’ pressure remains under the current open admission policy, they believed the normalization of teaching in junior high school in the future will help ease students’ pressure. 6)The traditional stereotype about prestigious senior high schools yet to be terminated. However, interviewees said they are confident that the stereotype will be broken by improving the teaching quality at secondary education level. 7)Interviewed parents and teachers said they have no clear concept of the open admission program, as the program wasn’t effectively promoted. 8)Multi-compared index was released in April, 2012. Interviewees still had concerns about the index’s objectivity, fairness and discrimination. The policy should be cautiously evaluated to avoid raising new issues. 9)Interviewees have extreme attitudes toward the complete implementation of open admissions. However, the advantages of open admissions will be seen if the government has related supporting polices. 10)Under the policy of open admissions, parents feel the pressure of training up their kids. The junior high school undertakers on the other side felt the pressure of complicated procedure and evaluation. By comparison, senior high school undertakes responsible for recruiting students met less difficulties. 11)Education works at secondary education level said the open admission program is easy to lower students’ learning motivation. Parents also concerned the underachieved students will affect other students’ learning negatively.


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