標題: 偶像崇拜在青少年同儕關係與自尊、歸屬需求之間的角色
The Role of Celebrity Worship in The Relationships between Adolescent Peer Relation, Needs to Belong and Self-esteem.
作者: 蔡馨沂
關鍵字: 偶像崇拜;同儕關係;自尊;歸屬需求;celebrity worship;peer relation;self-esteem;needs to belong
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解國內青少年偶像崇拜的現象,以及偶像崇拜與同儕關係、自尊和歸屬需求之間的關聯,並且更進一步探討偶像崇拜在青少年同儕關係與自尊、歸屬需求之間的中介效果。本研究以學生基本資料、「青少年偶像崇拜量表」、「偶像話題互動量表」、「同儕依附焦慮量表」、「歸屬需求量表」、「自尊量表」為測量工具,採用便利抽樣的方式,抽取台灣中部以北地區八所高中職學生,共447位有偶像的有效樣本,並以獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、Pearson積差相關與路徑分析等統計方法分析資料。 本研究結果顯示:青少年大多以成就取向理由選擇偶像,並且偏好以男歌手為偶像,而女生有顯著較高程度的偶像崇拜情感取向、偶像話題的同儕互動、同儕依附焦慮。其次,除了偶像崇拜情感取向、偶像崇拜形象取向與自尊没有顯著相關外,偶像崇拜成就取向與偶像話題的同儕互動、同儕依附焦慮與自尊、歸屬需求之間均有顯著的相關性。再者,青少年的同儕關係、偶像崇拜成就取向、偶像崇拜情感取向對自尊、歸屬需求有部分預測力;而青少年的偶像崇拜成就取向、偶像崇拜情感取向在偶像話題的同儕互動與自尊之間有部分中介效果;偶像崇拜情感取向在偶像話題的同儕互動與歸屬需求之間則有完全中介效果。最後,根據以上研究結果加以討論,並提出若干建議予未來研究、教育以及輔導人員參考。
The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among adolescent celebrity worship, peer relation, needs to belong and self-esteem, and the mediating effects of celebrity worship on the relationships between adolescent peer interaction, needs to belong and self-esteem. The instruments used in this study included personal information, “Adolescent Celebrity Worship Scale”, ”Talking about Celebrity Scale”, ”Peer Attachment Anxiety Scale”, ”Need to Belong Scale” and ”Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale”. Four hundred and forty seven students from general high schools and vocational schools in the northern and central Taiwan participated in this study. The results were as follows: First, most adolescents like male singers and worship celebrity in an achievement orientation. Second, girls showed more interests in the affection orientation of celerity worship, and displayed higher peer interaction in talking about celebrity and higher peer attachment anxiety. Third, all measured variables were significantly correlated, except that affection and image orientations of celerity worship did not significantly correlate with self-esteem. Fourth, celebrity worship and the peer relation significantly predicted needs to belong and self-esteem. Moreover, adolescent achievement and affection orientations of celebrity worship showed partial mediation between peer interaction in talking about celebrity and self-esteem, and a completed mediation between peer interaction in talking about celebrity and needs to belong. Finally, suggestions were given for teachers, counselors, and future research.


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