Title: 雲端環境下的影音互助平台架構設計及建置
Architecture design and implementation of a video based remote service platform in cloud environment
Authors: 李宜叡
Lee, Yi-Jui
Fu, Hsin-Chia
Keywords: 雲端運算;基礎設施即服務;網站架構;Cloud computing;Infrastructure as a service;Website architecture
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 「雲端服務視訊互助平台」是本實驗室過去以互相幫助為目的建造的視訊平台,各地的使用者彼此可藉此平台進行連線,透過具備視訊、音訊、文字、畫筆標誌等多媒體資訊的互助活動解決彼此問題,而解決問題的過程將會記錄於平台上以供後人參考。
Video based cloud remote service platform is a platform made for people helping each other. User can communicate with others through video, sounds, text, and painting marks. And all the communication process will be recorded in the platform for reference.
This platform due to architectural limitations can only serve limit amount of users for internal testing in the past. This paper presents a method to improve its Scalability, Availability and Cost-effectiveness, make it can provide higher quality services for more people.
The method we proposed can not only solve our problem, but also apply on similar projects. Make them easy to be practical use. So its achievements not only exist in the laboratory but also can open to the general public.
Appears in Collections:Thesis