Title: 解七路殺光圍棋的死活問題之研究
A Study of Solving Life and Death Problem for 7x7 Kill-All Go¬¬
Authors: 左存道
Keywords: 殺圍棋;kill all go
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 圍棋是現存的兩人桌上遊戲中極為困難的遊戲之一,自從2006年MCTS被應用在電腦圍棋上,使得現在電腦圍棋的強度至少已經有業餘六段的實力。
本篇論文描述一個在MCTS演算法上開發一個專門解死活問題的MCTS-Solver,並說明如何將Threat Space Search 和 Lambda Search的概念融入其中。
Go is one of the most complicated two-player zero-sum perfect information games. The strength of computer Go get to the level of amateur 3or 4 dan since people apply MCTS to the computer Go in 2006.

Life and death problem is very important to Go. The computer Go will be stronger if we can compute life and death problem more accurately.

In this paper, we implement one MCTS Solver specialized in solving life and death problem, and illustrate how to combine MCTS Solver with threat space search and lambda search.
Appears in Collections:Thesis