DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChao, Li-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, An-Pinen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 台灣是全球電腦資訊及網通產業的重要基地,長久以來各IT相關產業大多以代工製造為主要業務模式,思考台灣網通產業的未來,必需正視品牌的推廣、品牌通路的佈建及客戶服務模式的精進。面對陸資廠的龐大經濟規模優勢及眾多科技人才的強力後盾,台灣網通廠的低價優勢及領先大陸的技術指標不復過往,急需尋找新的利基及商業模式。 近來興起的雲端服務技術提供快速的資訊蒐集分析,足以全球同步的有效資源分享整合,更直接的與客戶互動,大幅提升了企業運作的績效。網通業身為雲端世代最重要的基礎產業,如何善用雲端服務技術以加強品牌的推廣,對用戶服務模式的改進以至提升全球資源整合的效率,將會是決定台廠在世界網通市場地位的的重要關鍵因素。 面對自有市場不夠大,產品競爭力漸趨勢微的台灣網通廠商,需以雲端服務策略來重新定位核心競爭力,這和一般資訊產業尋求的產品成本或功能導向的競爭策略不同。本文著重在品牌通路與客戶服務的雲端技術應用,探討基礎架構的佈建與差異化的建立與效果分析,以台灣品牌網通廠E科技為研究對象,從該公司的營運現況分析進而規畫出未來雲端服務導入的計畫藍圖,並透過其運作實證與問卷訪談,探討雲端服務可為其增加品牌競爭力的可行性。 依據E品牌2011年終業務大會的檢討與分析,其正急需解決的主要有:(1)客戶抱怨處理緩慢 (2)產品設計不符合市場需求 (3)由於沒有技術支援資料庫 (4)品牌形象無法提升 (5)現有的網站架構與設計急需更新 …等等。為解決目前面臨的問題與提振其品牌競爭力及形象,E品牌計畫導入雲端服務系統來加強客戶服務,組織內部與各分公司溝通流程改善,並進而強化市場行銷及銷售戰力。E品牌的雲端架構藍圖主要分為兩大部分:在全球網頁的更新計畫終將採行CDN雲端網站;而在改善客戶服務及加強客戶關係以及全球資源分享則計畫導入CRM雲端服務系統計畫。 對E品牌市場行銷部門及技術支援等相關部門的績效評估及訪談後,顯示出在第一階段導入雲端服務所貢獻出的成效如下: (1) 六個月內客戶抱怨電話減少50%。 (2) 客服人員解決單一案例時間縮短30-50% (3) 減少原本預計擴充的20% 全球技術支援人力。 (4) 三個月內產品部門成功規畫出新產品及新功能 從本研究所探討之科技應用趨勢、市場現況、個案實例、問卷分析與價值鍊分別都證實了雲端服務可以為台灣網通品牌建構新的競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Taiwan is a global information and data networking industry important production base, however, most IT venders have been in OEM/ODM business model. We need to face the fact that Taiwan networking industry future opportunity will be in brand promotion, in building customer service and channel building. Face the challenge of huge economies of scale advantages of mainland China, and the strong backing of numerous technological personnel resource, Taiwan networking industry’s low-cost advantage and leading technology advantage no longer exist. There is a urgent need to find a new niche and business model. The recent rise of cloud services could provide rapid information collection and analysis, also capable of global synchronization of effective resource sharing. Cloud service is a more direct interaction with customers that dramatically improves the efficiency of business operations. The networking industry should consider how to best use cloud services in order to strengthen the brand competitiveness, as well as improvements in resource efficiency. This article focuses on analysis of constructing the brand advantages through the cloud service, and explore the Taiwan based E brand network company’s cloud service infrastructure. E brand company’s 2011 annual review showed most urgent problems as below : (1) Slow response to customer complaints (2) Product design does not meet the market demand (3) Technical support database not available (4) Brand image not good (5)Website architecture and design in urgent need to update. E brand planned to use cloud service to solve those problems and hopefully to boost its brand awareness and to improve the communication process among all branches. The brand's blueprint for cloud architecture is divided into two parts: CDN technology for cloud website services; and CRM cloud service system to improve customer service and strengthen customer relationships. According to E brand marketing and technical support survey after deployment, it shows the cloud services contribute to the effectiveness of the following: (1) Customer complaints decrease 50% within six months (2) Customer issue resolving time reduces 30-50% (3) 20% reduction of original planned global technology support staff (4) New products could be planned and released in 3 months This research confirms cloud services can contribute to Taiwan networking brand competitiveness through technology trend analysis, case study, questionnaire survey and value chain analysis.en_US
dc.subjectCloud servicesen_US
dc.titleConstruct Brand Competitiveness through Cloud Services- Case Study of E Branden_US