標題: 特殊化學氣體供應商於台灣晶圓代工產業市場之競爭優勢研究-以T公司為例
The Competitive Advantage of Special Gas Supplier in Taiwan Foundry Market - A Case Study of T Company
作者: 周怡萱
Chou, Yi-hsuan
Chen, Guang-Hua
關鍵字: 競爭優勢;核心能力;差異化;競爭策略;competitive advantage;core competencies strategy;differences;competitive strategy
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 現代生活,不可獲缺的各種電子產品、視訊產品、節能產品等,不論製程技術的提昇或進步,對特殊化學氣體的需求,不曾減少。縱然如此,台灣本身因缺乏生產技術,台灣幾十年來特殊化學氣體皆以歐美及日本產品為主,隨著IDM產業(Integrated Device Manufacturer)在半導體製造的委外代工趨勢,台灣晶圓業的發展及生產規模日益增長,台灣市場成為相關原料廠商的兵家必爭之地。歐美及日本特殊化學氣體供應商在台灣莫不紛紛設立銷售事業體,就近服務客戶。 然而單以建立銷售據點就近服務客戶,並不足以擴大市場,獲得目標利潤 ,故應善用企業本身的優勢、核心能力,擬定差異化的競爭發展策略,為企業創造最大利潤及附加價值。 本研究根據所收集之文獻理論深入探討,根據 Porter (1985) 的競爭策略及五力分析理論及筆者在產業之工作經驗,對此一研究問題提出相關的研究命題與假說,並且對各項構面及變數提出相關的衡量標準。選定一日商在台氣體公司為個案公司,於各階層人員進行訪談,了解其代表之意涵。經整理之後做出個案公司在台灣晶圓代工產業的競爭力評比,提出T公司在台灣晶圓代工產業較具競爭力之構面,並就競爭力比較不足的構面討論其原因和可能的對策。 由研究結果得知,個案氣體供應商在晶圓代工客戶及主要供應商的議價能力較居弱勢,因此該集團應站在台灣來看市場及客戶需求同時做好取捨(聚焦及差異),尋求在地策略伙伴及盟友,看準市場、構築進入障礙,方能永保優勢。
Of modern life, the indispensable electronic products, video products, energy-saving products, regardless of the promotion or advancement of process technology, the demand for special chemical gases, did not reduce. Nonetheless, Taiwan itself due to lack of production technology, a special chemical gas to begin with European, American and Japanese products in Taiwan a few decades, mainly with the IDM industry (of Integrated Device Manufacturer) outsourcing trends in the semiconductor manufacturing, wafer industry development and the growing scale of production, the Taiwan market has become the battleground of the relevant raw material manufacturers. Europe, Japan and the special chemical gas suppliers all set up the sale of business units in TW ,close to the market to provide better service . However, the establishment of sales offices nearest customer, is not sufficient to expand the market . To achieve the target profit, the company should find out her competitive advantage ,to develop her core competencies strategy to create maximum profit and value-added for the enterprise. Following the thorough studies on management theories, this research adapts the five power analysis methodology of Porter to analyze this industry and the case company. By defining a number of assumptions in each of the five major factors, a questionnaire is designed in view of identifying the competitiveness and competitive advantage of the case company. Questionnaires were sent to staffs of case company and also interviews with executives to collect information about how well gas company are doing in each aspects of the five power model.. Conclusion is then made and suggestion given on how the case company can act to improve her competitiveness in Taiwan market.The case company, as well as those major players in special gas industry, has weakness in bargaining with their major customers and also major suppliers. The parent company of case company should stand of Taiwan's point to view the market and customer needs ,and case company should make choices -trade-off ( focus & differences in her product) and also to seek strategic partners and allies to aim at the market , then build entry barriers in order to get competitive advantage. Keywords: competitive advantage ,core competencies strategy, differences, competitive strategy