Title: 企業組織之再造與重生實例研究─以N公司為例
A Study of Corporate Reorganization for Business Reborn─A Case Study of Company N
Authors: 楊文治
Yang, Wen-Chih
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 事業群;案例;合併;分割;再造與重生;Business Unit;Case Study;Merge;Spin-off;Reborn
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 多角化經營為企業用以分散企業風險的方法之一,但在全球經濟走向自由化的趨勢下,面對全球性的競爭壓力與市場變化,企業必須隨著時空環境的變遷,不斷調整策略並進行組織重整以維持競爭優勢。然而,如何在考量眾多因素下,提出一最佳化之決策,一直是,企業經營者所需面對的難題。因此,本研究即以個人在實務學習環境的經驗,以哈佛商學院的案例教學方式,針對台灣正興科技公司,探討當企業在不同階段下,事業群的成立與所遭遇到的各種困境,以及面對內部組織與外在環境變化下,如何進行合併或分割等決策,以達到企業整體價值與效益的提升。並希望透過案例撰寫與問題提出的方式,提供管理階層人員及學弟妹參考與研究。
Strategy of diversification is commonly employed by corporations for risk management. The globalization of the economy and the liberalization of the trade markets have formulated with a new market place with instability and intensive competition. Corporation ought to adapt to these changes and maintain its competitive and advantages through its business transformation strategies. However, finding an optimal strategy with consideration of various management factors are the grandest challenge of CEOs. This paper is based on the experience of the author worked in Company N and employed the case study method prevailed in Harvard business school. The paper first describes the advantages and dilemma of Company N at different stages of its enterprise life cycle. Further, the author raises several business transformation factors and questions which have been discussing in Company N`s Board meetings and Executive management meetings. Finally, it analyzes the overall values and benefits generated under each business transformation model proposal (ex. merge, spin off). As the author of this paper sincerely intends to provide a template – a case of Company N along with Q & A for further study of business managers and business school students.
Appears in Collections:Thesis