Title: 應用限制理論縮短生產週期之研究
Applying TOC to shorten TFT-LCD Production Cycle Time
Authors: 吳柏毅
Keywords: 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器;限制理論;生產週期;TFT-LCD;TOC;Cycle Time
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: TFT-LCD(thin-film transistor liquid-crystal display)產業是個高度資本密集的行業,為了提升產業競爭力,鞏固全球市佔率,個案公司在不增加額外費用的前提下,縮短生產週期,提升產能,就可以為公司創造出更高的價值。本研究參照高德拉特博士(Eliyahu Goldratt)之著作「目標-簡單而有效的常識管理」,依循限制理論的概念並加以實踐。1980年代,高德拉特博士發展出-最佳化生產技術(Optimized Production Technology, OPT),在學術上常將此技術以限制理論(Theory of Constraint, TOC)稱之,TOC是一種用來管理組織的直覺架構(Intuitive Framework),首先需確定工廠生產瓶頸為何,並針對瓶頸所耗費之時間加以分析研究,後續有效的縮短瓶頸機台的製程時間,並提升瓶頸機台的整體使用率達到縮短生產週期的成效。經過三個月的實踐,獲得正面且令人雀躍的成績。個案工廠在沒有增加花費的情形下有效縮短生產週期,提升工廠生產效率,為公司創造更高的價值。
TFT-LCD is a highly capital-intensive industry. The company in this industry creates value and increases their global market share by reducing production cycle time on the basis of no additional cost incurred. In this research, we take the concept of systematic theory in the book “The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement” written by Dr. Goldratt to practice the reduction of cycle time. In the 1980s, Dr. Goldratt developed Optimized Production Technology, which is commonly known as Theory of Constraint (TOC) academically. By using TOC to identify factory bottlenecks, we can effectively shorten bottleneck machine process time and improve the utilization to decrease the overall production cycle time. After three months of experiment, a positive and exciting result is found, The factory in this case successfully shortened production cycle time and improved the efficiency with no additional spending to create higher value for the company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis