Title: 主機板製造產業自有品牌與專業代工經營策略競合分析
Modeling Competition between Own Brand Manufacturing and Original Equipment Manufacturing in Motherboard Industry
Authors: 翁誌隆
Weng, Chih Lung
Tsai, Bi-Huei
Keywords: Lotka-Volterra 模型;均衡分析;自有品牌;專業代工;市場潛量;Bass模型;主機板;Lotka-Volterra model;Equilibrium analysis;OBM;OEM;market potential;Bass model;motherboard
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究以生物生態學Lotka-Volterra模型,針對全球主機板製造產業之自有品牌與專業代工兩種迥然不同經營策略之銷售量,以及台灣與中國大陸市場進行適配與預測分析,除了探討何種經營策略能有效掌握顧客的需求與購買的決策過程之外,亦分析海峽兩岸主機板市場之互動情形。過去行銷領域中有關消費者行為的研究多以問卷為主,但是真實的惟實際之消費決策有賴實際銷售量佐證,因此是以,本研究採用以銷售量作為消費者購買意願的之衡量指標,運用Lotka-Volterra模型分別在經營策略以及海峽兩岸市場兩個層面,分別分析其關聯性。
This investigation employs the Lotka-Volterra model to explore the market competitions among the strategies between own brand manufacturing (OBM) and original equipment manufacturing (OEM) in global motherboard manufacturing industry and among the market of China and Taiwan. The parameters of the Lotka-Volterra mathematical model show the predator- prey relationship existing between the OBM and the OEM strategy. The shipment from OBM strategy will erode the shipment of OEM strategy, while the shipment from the OEM strategy will promote those from the OBM strategy. In addition, the shipment growth from OEM strategy is estimated to substantially increase because OBM firms spill knowledge to OEM fabs, thus enhancing the technical levels and skills for OEM fabs. Furthermore, the results of equilibrium analysis show that the market share of the OEM strategy is larger than that of OBM strategy both in short-term and long-term periods. The shipment of OEM strategy has not yet reached equilibrium points, so the OEM shipments are expected to expand. The equilibrium point between OBM and OEM strategies is calculated to be satisfied with the stable conditions.
The results of the competitions among China and Taiwan market analysis indicated the predator- prey relationship also existing between the motherboard market of China and Taiwan. The motherboard market of Taiwan will be helped from the adoption of China market. In contrast, motherboard market of Taiwan will inhibit the growth of China. Futhurmore, the strong domestic demand in China provides the energy of growth. The substaintially growth is expected to see in China because of the higher equilibrium point. The results applied well with the rapid economic growth of China recently and indicated a possible direction of the motherboard industry. Eventually, we find that prediction of motherboard with Lotka-Volterra model is as good as that of the conventional growth model (i.e., Bass model).
Appears in Collections:Thesis