標題: 捐款描述和產品種類對捐款金額的影響
The Effect of Product Type and Donation Describe Toward Donation Amount
作者: 呂嘉惠
Lu, Chia Hui
Chang, Chia Chi
關鍵字: 捐款描述;物品屬性;享樂品;實用品;donation describe;product attribution;hedonic;utilitarian
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本論文之研究目的在於探究何種勸募方式較容易為不具知名度但擁有生產力的社福機構募得資金。 現在的社會有很多的社福團體和機構,有些團體因為具有一定的規模和知名度,在募得所需資金上較為容易。但是大部分的社福團體不是這麼具規模和知名度,資金的運用上時常是捉襟見肘,進而連帶影響對弱勢團體的照顧。 實證結果顯示,利用自行生產的產品進行銷售,可以提供社福機構另一個募款的方式。且可以利用不一樣的商品屬性進行不一樣的文宣,使資金募得能更加充裕。 本研究希望藉由實證研究的結果,讓更多的慈善機構能募得所需資金,使營運順利,照顧更多弱勢群眾。
The purpose of this thesis is to explore what is easier for non-well-known but has the productivity of social welfare organizations raised funds. Today's society has many social welfare organizations and institutions, some groups have a certain size and visibility can raised the necessary funds more easily. But most of the social welfare groups are not and thus influences the care of disadvantaged groups. The empirical result shows that to sell their own products is another way to provide social welfare organizations to raise funds. And can take different propaganda for different product to make fundraising more abundant. This study hopes that through the results of empirical research can help more charitable institutions to raise necessary funds to run smoothly and take cares more disadvantaged masses.