Title: 組織創新如何影響員工創新行為?以人力資源和創新氣氛為中介變項?
How does organizational Innovation affect employee innovation behavior?The mediating effects of Human Resources and Innovative Atmosphere
Authors: 陳彥茹
Keywords: 組織創新;人力資源;創新氣氛;創新行為;Organizational Innovation;Human Resource;Innovative Atmosphere;Innovation Behavior
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 產業發展快速,創新、多元變化、提供更好的服務品質、追求客戶滿意度最佳化為組織發展優先考慮目標,積極性的創新氣氛營造,期望能以此分享、傳遞組織的信念、加強團隊學習合作精神,並提高資源分享意願、主動學習等相關積極性目標,如此是否可帶動組織成員進行創新冒險的意願?藉由有形的人力資源行為以及無形的創新氣氛兩者相互推展,是否可有效的推動組織成員進行創新性思考帶來創新行為的效果並替組織創新產生加值效果? 本研究以「組織創新如何影響員工創新行為?以人力資源及創新氣氛為中介變數」探討其因果關係。研究以問卷調查方式進行資料收集,驗證企業主進行組織創新若透過人力資源行為及創新氣氛為中介是否可有效且真實的傳遞公司精神予所有員工以期達成員工行為創新之目標? 本研究的對象為現行科技產業在職一年以上員工,問卷(包含電子郵件回覆、網路填寫問卷)共收回310份,回收後經數據統計資料分析實證結果發現: 一、組織創新對人力資源有顯著正向影響。 二、組織創新對創新氣氛有顯著正向影響。 三、人力資源行為對員工創新行為影響不顯著。 四、創新氣氛對員工創新行為有顯著正向影響。 五、組織創新對員工創新行為影響不顯著。 六、組織創新透過人力資源的中介效果,影響員工創新行為結果不顯著。 七、組織創新透過創新氣氛的中介效果,正向顯著影響員工創新行為結果顯著。
The industry environment changed rapidly, so innovation, multiple changes to pursuit customer satisfaction optimized, to provide better service quality is organizational development priority target. Creating a positive and innovative atmosphere forward to share and real transfer organizational beliefs, enhancing team learning cooperation spirit, and improve resource sharing willingness, active learning. So, is it can be driven the organization's members to have innovative adventure willingness to promote mutual? By human resource or innovative atmosphere can be effective in promoting the organizational innovation and let members have innovative thinking, than bring innovative behavior for organizational to produce value-added effect? The sample was drawn from the companies in science and technology industries have over one year work experience and the data were collected by questionnaire survey. Total 310 of them were returned (include E-mail reply and internet reply). Several findings were derived as follows: 1.Organizational innovation have significant positive effects on the human resources. 2.Organizational innovation have significant positive effects on innovative atmosphere. 3.Human resources did not have significant positive effects on employee innovation behavior. 4.Innovative atmosphere have a significant positive impact on employee innovation behavior. 5. Organizational innovation did not have significant impact on employee innovation behavior. 6. Organizational innovation through the mediating effect of human resources, the results did not have significantly affect employee innovation behavior. 7. Organizational innovation through the mediating effect of the climate for innovation, significant positive influence on the result of employee innovation behavior.
Appears in Collections:Thesis