標題: 企業人力資源管理診斷與建構教育訓練藍圖之研究-以P公司為例
A Study on Enterprise Human Resource Management Diagnosis and Training Roadmap Construction – A case study of P Company
作者: 徐欣慧
Hsu, Hsin-Hui
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 人力資源管理;企業診斷;教育訓練藍圖;Human Resources Management;Enterprise Diagnosis;Training Roadmap
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 企業要在多變的環境中求生存,必須掌握企業競爭優勢。人才是企業最大的資產,能擁有優秀人才是企業競爭致勝的關鍵。企業經營與教育訓練關聯密不可分。訓練目的主要是建構員工之知識、技能及態度。員工的能力與組織期待產生落差,透過教育訓練來提升能力,改善工作績效,以達成組織之目標。人才養成需要耗費大量經費及時間,透過有系統的訓練體系,有助於資源充分運用,以達成企業營運目標。企業診斷涵蓋範圍包含財務、生產、行銷、研發及人力資源管理。本研究以國內半導體通路商為例,探討企業透過外部顧問,展開人力資源診斷,以發現組織中所隱藏之問題。透過訪談法,了解受訪者對個案公司教育訓練之看法。因應個案公司中長期發展需求,優先以改善教育訓練著手。展開教育訓練輔導,建構專屬於個案公司的教育訓練藍圖,包括專業與技術能力課程、主管訓練課程及新進員工課程。同時在本次專案推動過程中,組織成員凝聚共識,有助於其他專案推動,並逐漸改善人力資源管理相關議題。
To survive in the constantly changing business environment, it is necessary for an enterprise to make the most of its competitive advantages. Talents are the best assets of a business and possessing excellent manpower is the key to success in business competition. Business operation and training always go hand in hand. Basically, the purpose of business training is to help with employees’ knowledge, and skill-building, and to help employees form a better attitude toward their work. If, due to incompetence, employees fail to meet the expectation of their enterprises, training programs should be applied to enhance employees’ capability and thus improve their job performance to ultimately achieve the goals of their organizations. It costs great amount of money and also takes a great deal of time to train excellent workers. However, with a well-designed training system, all resources would be fully utilized and business operation goals would be reached accordingly. Enterprise diagnosis covers aspects of finance, production, marketing, research and development, and human resource management. This study, a case study of a Taiwanese semi-conductor distributor, considers how human resource diagnosis is performed by external consultants to pinpoint hidden problems of the enterprise. Using interview survey, author of we study attempt to understand how interviewees from the studied company see their enterprise training. To meet the demand of its mid- and long-term development, the studied company first strengthens its training system. Its initiatives contain training counseling and exclusive training roadmap construction (including courses to improve employee’s professional capabilities and skills, executives training courses, and new employee training, etc.). In performing the project, a common consensus among organization members is also reached, which is helpful for setting other projects into action and is beneficial to gradually settling issues related to human resource management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis