Title: | 試製批量處理系統自動化邏輯分析之建置與研究-以S半導體公司為例 The Research of Automatic Pilot Run Handling Logic System- A Case of Semiconductor Company |
Authors: | 蔡映虹 Tsai ,Ying-Hung 李榮貴 Li ,Rong-Kwei 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 試製批量處理系統;Delphi;資料存取;失誤率;Pilot Run handling system;Delphi;data access;failure rate |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 本研究主要以新竹某晶圓代工廠為例,從生產交期、系統維護、客戶滿意度所帶來的影響,重新導入及建置試製批量處理系統。本系統以原有之試製批量處理系統的現況分析及邏輯為出發點,配合使用者的實地訪談,定義出系統所需要納入的功能與邏輯。本系統使由程式語言開發工具Delphi與資料庫系統組成,主要功能分為資料存取、報表分析、批量的追蹤及權限設定。使用者可透過此系統針對未下線的試製批量作製程中必要之動作設定,系統於下線後自動執行程式設定好之動作,即時確認該批量於下線後之狀況,以降低人員追蹤的時間及貨的生產時間。本研究以系統的失誤率及所帶來的影響作為執行前之參考,經重新導入新的試製批量處理系統,研究結結果顯示,經過90批量之試製後,系統失誤率由原本的7.6%減少至0%,此結果明顯降低系統面所帶來的影響,也大幅節省生產成本之報廢開銷。從上述的結果來看,該公司使用此系統者,對於試製批量處理系統相當滿意外,也讓客戶滿意度提升。 In this case study, a semiconductor company in Hsinchu has been selected as the research object. The Pilot run handling system has been re-established by the implementing of the product’s delivery influence, system maintenance and customer satisfaction. The new system construction is designed by current analysis and program logic of original Pilot run handling system. The new function establishment and logic modification of system are defined by system users’ requirements directly. It is also combined with Delphi and the database system. The main functions are data access, report analysis, lot tracing and permission settings. For this system, users can input the executed action before lot process starting and system will be able to follow the actions automatically, also make sure the real -time situation of pilot lots when the pilot lots started. This Pilot run handling system can be able to reduce the delivery time of products and lots tracing time. This study utilized the failure rate and its influence as a reference, after re-install the new Pilot run handling system, the results showed, the failure rate reduced from 7.6% to 0 % by 90 pilot lots manufacturing. These results showed that the influence from system aspect and cost of production are both reduced significantly. The company’s relevant users are quite satisfied with this new Pilot run handling system. It is also gets the higher satisfaction from company’s customers. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50731 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |