标题: 以ITIL进行服务资产及组态管理流程导入之研究 - 以S 公司为例
The Study on Service Asset & Configuration Management process implementation through the ITIL – case study of S company
作者: 李尚伦
Tsai, Min-Jen
关键字: ITIL;服务转换;服务资产及组态管理;ITIL;service transition;service asset & configuration management
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 随者企业组织日益的发展,对于资讯科技所提供的服务需求亦是日益增加,但大多数企业主管认为资讯部门是企业中属于支援的单位,且资讯部门同仁平常的工作内容大多为支援现行产品及服务为主,而非改善及创造新的资讯服务,因此难以提升资讯部门在公司内的价值。资讯技术基础架构库(IT Infrastructure Library,ITIL) 是一套由英国政府所提出的管理架构,其内容及架构并依时代需要而调整,目前已是广泛且通用的资讯管理架构,使得资讯部门的运作能与企业之商业目的结合,进而提升 IT 部门在企业的价值。
本研究在以个案方式进行,基于 ITIL 之服务转换(service transition)模组下,进行服务资产及组态管理(service asset & configuration management)之流程及管理软体导入,以S公司资讯部门导入管理流程前期问题、中期导入问题排除及后期之效益比较及相关问题研究。其原因的在于公司资讯系统管理人员,在面对公司众多电脑的软、硬体系统时,所面临的问题不外乎于:公司有多少的电脑硬体及所安装有多少的软体系统及应用程式,电脑系统是否依规定来使用?透过 ITIL 为规范 IT 管理及服务的架构,最终目的在于提升资讯服务效率。
经由本研究结果,导入以 ITIL 中服务资产及组态流程为基础的管理架构,除了能提升资讯部门的资讯服务的品质及效率,另一方面更可使用多角度、更完整思考的方式来看待变动发生,并能使资讯部门有效管理电脑环境及人力成本的节省,最终还可提供新的资讯服务。
Due to the expansions and developments of the organization, the demand of enterprise information technology services also increase. However, most executives deem that the IT departments within enterprises are considered as supporting units, which the staffs among them mainly assist the existing products and services instead of improving and creating advanced information services. Such conventional role makes it hard for companies to put emphasis on their own IT departments. IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL, is an IT service management structure proposed by the British government. The content and framework of ITIL is tailored to achieve the goals of modern enterprises. Currently, ITIL has become a widely used infrastructure of information management since it helps the combination of IT processing with business goals and also enhances the value of the IT department in business. This study has investigated the ITIL processes such as service asset and configuration management in the Service Transition module for S company and discusses several issues encountered for the IT department such as to identify the stage problems, and the benefit comparison. The major concern is due to service delivering for the end users. On the other hand, there are other IT related issues by the end users in the company, such as hardware reliability, software installations, and appropriate software application usages. Ultimately, the management level wants the IT department to deliver appropriate services in an efficient manner through ITIL Service Transition. As the result of this case study, it is apparent that using the infrastructure of ITIL Service asset &configuration procedure not only promotes the efficiency and quality of IT service in IT department, but also helps the business to deal with the future changes with open minded thinking. In addition, ITIL also allows IT department to manage the computer environment and saving human resources more efficiently with better information technology service.