Title: 運用多媒體與網路作為媒介進行全球推廣與普及深度理念之研究-以非營利組織為例
A research of using multimedia and Internet as media of global promotion and popularization of deep concepts — Using NPO as an example
Authors: 陳中興
Chen, Jong-Shin
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 大眾傳播;數位推廣;使用與滿足理論;資訊理論;二級傳播理論;Mass Communication;Digital Promotion;Uses and Gratifications Theory;Information Theory;Two-Step Flow of Communication Theory
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 網際網路是今天一個非常重要的傳播媒介,不論是哪一個領域的資訊,都可以藉由此媒介作非常有效率的傳播與推廣;此媒介更是大大突破了傳統的單方向傳播方式,從Web 1.0到 Web 2.0 的演進,使人們可以按照自己的喜好,選擇自己所要接受的資訊,同時給予回應。這樣的網際網路傳播特性正是 Jay G. Blumler 及 Elihu Katz 在1974年所提出的「使用與滿足理論」最佳的解釋媒介。而網際網路作為“破壞性創新”的傳播媒介,使人們在接受資訊時的習慣改變 (如:參考他人與非系統性瀏覽),而影響資訊傳遞的準確度與完整性,將一個較為複雜的原始資訊,埋沒在諸多干擾訊息之下。 透過1940年兩個經典的傳播理論,夏農和韋佛的資訊理論(Shannon and Weaver’s Information Theory)與保羅.拉札斯菲爾德Paul F. Lazarsfeld 和Elihu Katz 所提出的二級傳播理論,來重新解釋網際網路上現代傳播媒介中之理論應用,如何根據資訊的複雜度,做資訊完整性與資訊傳播效率之間的取捨。 所以,本論文是透過一個真實的非營利組織作為案例,詳述如何藉由大眾傳播的理論基礎與現有的傳播技術:網際網路,達到推廣一個思想或理念的目標,包括其策略。
The Internet is a very important media in the present, regardless of which field of information can be through this medium with very efficient dissemination and promotion; this medium is greatly exceeded the traditional one-way means of communication, from the evolution of Web1.0 to Web2.0, so that people can choose to accept the information in accordance with their own preferences and react at same time. According to propagation characteristics of the Internet, it is the best interpretation media of the theory “Uses and gratifications” proposed by Jay G. Blumler and Elihu Katz in 1974. And Internet media as a “disruptive innovation” to change habits of the people to receive information (ex: reference to others and non-systematic browsing), which will affect the accuracy and completeness, make a more complex information, buried under a lot of interference messages. Through 1940, two classical communication theories Shannon and Weaver’s Information Theory and Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Elihu Katz’s Two-Step Flow of Communication Theory, to explain the theory application in modern media on the Internet network again, according to the complexity of the information, the trade-off between information integrity and efficiency of the dissemination of information. Therefore, this paper is to detail the theoretical foundation of how to use the mass media and existing communication technologies: the Internet, through of a real non-profit organization as a case, to achieve the goal of promoting an idea or concept, including its strategy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis