Title: 導入ERP與BI於晶圓探針產業之研究
A Study of ERP and BI Implementation on Probe Card Industry
Authors: 劉嘉萍
Keywords: 企業資源規劃;商業智慧;專案管理;晶圓探針;ERP;BI;Projcet Management;Probe Card
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 企業使用資訊系統的程度越來越重視,除減少時間成本之外,更能提升工作效率。然而隨著產業趨勢,公司組織規模逐漸擴大,資訊系統資料也因此快速成長,為能從複雜及龐大資料中,找出有用的資訊,以滿足高層主管需求,故導入企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP)系統並結合商業智慧(Business Intelligence; BI)系統,已成為企業提昇效益之必要系統,但在以往的研究中,大多以大型公司之個案進行研究探討,很少以中小型企業並以特定產業為主要研究對象,因此本研究針對晶圓探針產業,透過個案公司以專案管理方法,導入ERP及BI系統應用之研究,探討是否也能達其效益。 本論文研究之進行方式,以個案研究法針對個案公司中,各部門人員進行訪談及蒐集相關資料,最後歸納出提昇公司效益之原因,主要分為1.降低成本,提升生產力; 2.改善工作流程之效率; 3.提升決策可靠性;4.提升系統使用滿意度及個案公司競爭力價值。
The degree of using information system in enterprise is more important now, which reduce time cost and also upgrade working efficience. However, along with the current trend over industries, enterprises have been increased in the scale, and the data has been rapidly grow in use. In order to satisfy the top leaders and managers' request useful information from huge and complex for instance Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI), Information Systems has beccme a necessary system to upgrade efficience. However, in the past researches, it focused on big companies and special industries instead of middle level enterprises. Thus, this study discusses adpoting ERP and BI system to individual company which will achive the benefit and effective as well. The study is to generalize the main reasons to enchance enterprises' benefit by interviewing different staffs in different departments and collect relative datas in different companies. Four reasons will be used as index as followings: 1) To reduce cost and enhance productivity 2) To improve the efficience at work flow 3) To improve the realibility while defination 4) To upgrade system's use satisfication and strengthen individual company's value in competition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis