Title: 應用總體經濟與財務比率分析台灣汽車業獲利能力之研究
A Study of Applying Economic Indicators and Financial Rates to Analyze the Profitability of Automobile Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 張維婷
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 主成份分析;總體經濟;財務比率;汽車產業;獲利能力;PCA;Macroeconomics;financial ratio;Automobile Industry;profitability
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 國內汽車產業自2002年台灣正式加入WTO後進口車關稅降低,加上全球推動節能減碳政策、高油價及美國金融風暴等打擊。企業如何透過有效的總體經濟及財務分析,搭配總體經濟景氣的消長,提高企業獲利能力乃企業重要課題之一。
Automobile industry in Taiwan has encountered not only global carbon reduction commitment, but also difficulties such as the impact of high oil price and U.S. financial crisis. Under the circumstance, how to utilize the effective macroeconomics and financial analysis to meet with ups and downs of overall economic flow and thus to increase corporate profitability, has become one of the important tasks for the industries. The purposes of this research are: 1) study the relationship between the macroeconomics and financial ratios that affect the profitability of automobile industry in Taiwan; and 2) find the key factors that influence the target industry and make references of financial diagnosis and planning for the industries.
Data resources come from the financial reports and auditor's reports of 5 listed automobile companies, where the time period ranged from 2005 to 2011 (totally 27 quarters.) By using the Principle Component Analysis (10 macroeconomics plus 24 financial ratio variables involved) combined with Step-wise Regression Method, the results and suggestions are as follows:
1.Automobile industry should focus on assets utilization, cost estimation and activities under the circumstance of its main or extended business. Develop its value chain and utilize asset efficiency to promote production, strength organization and control business expenses.
2.Under the circumstance of extended trade, the profitability of automobile industry is significantly related with manufacturing service industries and employment trend. It shows that people are willing to purchase high-value durable goods if they are living in a stabilized political and economic environment and be optimistic with up-coming economic figures.
Appears in Collections:Thesis