标题: 用边缘移动技术研究共晶焊锡之电迁移
Electromigration study in eutectic SnPb solder by edge displacement technique
作者: 周重光
Chou. Chung-Kuang
Chen Chih
关键字: 电迁移;共晶焊锡;electromigration;eutectic SnPb;Blech structure
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 本论文报导利用边缘移动技术来计算共晶锡铅受电致迁移之参数。试片结构使用经图案化后铜/钛结构,经由回流与抛光焊锡形成Blech结构。利用原子力显微镜来对通电前后体积变化做计算,可获得平均原子飘移速度。经过通电后我们观察到在阳极部份产生突出物,阴极部份则产生孔洞。在80度、100度与120度下施予不同电流密度,得到在80度、100度与120度的临界电流密度分别为1.2*10^3 A/cm^2、1.8*10^3 A/cm2 及2.9*10^3 A/cm2,并求得活化能为0.34eV;D0Z*为-9.71*10^6 cm^2/sec。
In this study, we have successfully developed a technique that can precisely measure the important parameters of solder electromigration. By applying currents in the Blech specimen and by measuring the depletion volume at appropriate conditions, electromigration flux and other electromigration parameters can be obtained. We have developed a technique to fabricate solder Blech specimens, in which the depletion volume caused by electromigration can be measured precisely.
Solder Blech specimens were fabricated on patterned Cu/Ti films in Si trenches. Electromigration eutectic PbSn Blech structure has been investigated. Depletion occurred at the cathode end of the Blech sample, and hillocks were observed at the anode end for most stressing conditions. By employing atomic force microscope to measure the depletion volume on the cathode end, the electromigration rate can be measured. Drift velocity was measured at the current density ranging from 9.1 x 103 to 9.7 x 104 A/cm2 at 80, 100, and 120 □C. The drift velocity increased when the applied current increased. The calculated threshold current density is 1.2*10^3 A/cm^2 at 80℃, 1.8*10^3 A/cm^2 at 100 ℃, and 2.9*10^3 A/cm^2 at 120℃, respectively. The measured activation energy was 0.34 eV. With the activation energy, the values of D0Z* was calculated to be -9.71 □ 106 cm2/sec.


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