DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLiang, Jui-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu, Hsiao-Chengen_US
dc.description.abstract自政府將「半導體產業」納入國家重點培植兩兆雙星產業以來,各家廠商無不卯足全力爭得一席之地,的確曾創造一時榮景。但由於記憶體製造商錯估市場需求,導致產能過剩,價格崩跌。2008年底發生金融大海嘯,後又有歐債危機,引起消費者恐慌心理,致使終端產品需求疲弱。2010年,手持式多媒體產品蔚為潮流,不論桌上型電腦或Notebook銷售成長受到極大影響。而半導體業者亦無不卯足勁提升技術及改良產品,以符合客戶「輕、薄、短、小」及低功耗規格需求,而未及早布局新製程技術及產品轉換的業者,或未及早為企業轉型做規畫者,恐面臨遭市場淘汰命運了。台廠記憶體業者無不紛紛轉型,以求生存。 本論文透過文獻研究及分析,並以台廠業者華邦與旺宏為例,探究其創業以來,在面對快速變遷的產業環境下,公司所採取轉型政策。透過SWOT分析,以了解其轉型策略形成及執行。本研究分析結論顯示,公司在轉型前須達其內外基本條件,即所謂「轉型體質」的調整。而公司進行「體質」轉型,是一種全面性、綜觀性的調整,有其內外部基本條件: 一、 內部條件: (一) 應重視財務體質改善。 (二) 應回歸企業本質,以做策略性思考。 (三) 組織應做全面理念溝通及應做適當「結構性組織調整」 (四) 培養企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)。 (五) 關鍵技術取得。 (六) 維繫良好客戶關係,了解客戶需求,務使產品符合市場潮流。 二、 外部條件: (一) 清楚掌握產業趨勢。 (二) 良好產業人脈關係。 企業如能朝上述基本條件方向努力,方有掌握轉型成功之契機。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSemiconductor industry had been regarded as the major project for developing country’s high technology by Taiwan Government in the late 20th centry, and that did make Taiwan semiconductor industry prosperous for years, and played an important role within the supply chain. Owing to over-optimistic expectation for the wave of PC replacement with the new release of Microsoft Windows Vista in 2006, all the PC DRAM makers increased the investment for enlarging their production capacity. Unfortunately, the wave of PC replacement didn’t happen, and all the DRAM makers suffered from oversupply and weak price. After going through the global financial tsunami in 2008 and European debt crisis in 2009, most consumers worried about the unstable economic situation and curtailed expenditure. In 2010, Apple launched iPad and led the wave of mobile devices, and that also eroded the sales growth of PCs, and all the DRAM makers faced the serious problems of profit loss and debt issue. To confront the wave of mobile devices and meet the specification requirements, such as light, thin, and low power consumption, etc., most semiconductor manufactures try very hard to improve their products or adjust their business model as soon as they can; otherwise, will be eliminated by the market. Through the literature reviews and analysis, the thesis tried to find some key successful factors of business redirection, and some required conditions to lead enterprises to the way of success from case studies of Winbond Electronics Corp. & Macronix International Co., Ltd. The key finding of the thesis is that not every enterprise has the chance to succeed in business redirection, and some basic internal and external conditions are required as follows: 1. Internal Conditions: (1) Improving the financial situation (2) Returning to the essence of enterprise and refining business model with strategic consideration (3) Having fully communication with all the employees and proper structural organization adjustments (4) Enhancing enterprises’ core competences (5) Key technology developed or acquired (6) Knowing customers and keeping good customers’ relationship 2. External Conditions: (1) Knowing industry trend well (2) Keeping good personal networks and relationship with related industry, Government, finacial organizations, etc. Enterprises need to consider further before they make the strategy of business redirection, and meet the above conditions in advance and then they could get a chance of business redirection, and achieve the goal of business transformation successfully.en_US
dc.subjectEnterprise transformationen_US
dc.subjectBusiness redirectionen_US
dc.titleStrategies of Business Re-Direction: Case Studies of Winbond and Macronixen_US