標題: 台灣太陽光電產業合作機會之研究
A Study on Collaboration Opportunities of Photovoltaic Industry in Taiwan
作者: 李培生
Lee, Pei-Sheng,
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
關鍵字: 產業平台;太陽光電;太陽能;半導體協會;展會;platform;PV;photovoltaic;solar;exposition;SEMI;exhibition
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究是站在產業之高度,根據Michael Porter的鑽石模型,搭配委員會的專家意見方法,探討發展一個產業的關鍵因素,政府的角色、其中的機會等等。研究中並提出產業協會所需扮演的角色、提供的功能、應盡的責任,深及觸角到各個不同面相、領域、市場,儘可能的幫助在地產業的永續生存,永久發展。 隨著各國補助驟降、供過於求,台灣太陽能產業未來發展趨勢無不注重:產業間相互合作之機會;建立自家品牌或國家品牌;供應鏈內部整合,技術發展,降低成本,提高國際競爭力等,才能在這紅海市場得以生存。
This research is to investigate the critical factors of Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan based on the Michael Porter Diamond Model, as well as, industrial experts' opinion method to study the roles of Government and its opportunities. In addition, this research focuses on the roles of industrial association as well as its functionality, responsibility and marketing to help local Photovoltaic industry keep sustainable and developed in all aspects. Under the subsidy cuts and oversupply of global market, Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan has to build up strategies such as brand, supply chain integration, advanced technology development and cost reduction in order to create core competitiveness in competitively global markets.