標題: 國道工程監造技術服務採服務成本加公費法辦理之探討
Application of Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contracts in Expressway Construction Supervision Projects
作者: 周重遠
Chou, Jong-Yeuan
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 服務成本加公費;cost-plus-fixed-fee
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著時代之進步,科技之發達,工程規模愈來愈趨龐大、複雜,使得工程委託監造服務工作變得更為專業,也更形重要。過去國內監造案服務費用多數採用「建造費用百分比法」計費,適用於較小規模、單純或工期短之工程,其執行方式單純,預算編列及控管容易,惟監造人力及經費之管控風險,完全由技服廠商承擔;相較而言,監造服務費採「總包價法」之預算編列較符實需需求,較能反映監造作業使用成本及符合監造人力需求,但也因此造成預算編列較為複雜,又監造人力由技服廠商自行進用及管控,基於人力精簡及成本考量,恐影響工程之監造品質;有鑑於此,針對規模龐大之建設計畫,委託監造服務採「服務成本加公費法」為計價方式或為更符實際及佳選擇之作法。 近年來行政院公共工程委員會推動服務成本加公費法之計費方式,依「機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法」之規定,業主需實際查核技術服務廠商之投入人月數及相關支出憑證,並據以控管技術服務廠商之監造費用。本研究藉由交通部臺灣區國道新建工程局「國道建設計畫」之工程委託監造服務,採「服務成本加公費法」辦理相關程序及資料之收集、整理、研究及分析,並以過往實際執行案例之經驗為研究對象,透過參與工程監造案之技服廠商人員及業主(如國工局)訪談,經研究分析後發現,從建設計畫之規模、分標情形評估監造組織架構、人力配置,並加計由工程工期所估算之監造期程,其推算之過程均有所依據,合乎邏輯,所規劃及估算使用之人月數及監造服務費,較為合理明確;另於執行時有效控管人力,貼近實務運作狀況,有助於人月數、服務費用編列及契約執行之合理化,且可有效處理因工程工期展延、工程重大變更等事由,所衍生之監造契約變更問題,如使用得宜,對業主及技服廠商雙方,皆可降低風險成本,獲得較公平之實質效益。監造服務案執行時,雖確可由業主視工地現況適切調節增減監造人力,控管監造成本,但也因此須相對增加業主管控監造作業之人力負擔,且需有較專業之工程師負責審查,在具較大規模之工程監造案中,業主管控監造人力之成本效益值會較高,故較適用於較大規模之建設計畫及專業之工程管理機關採行。
With the progress of times and the development of technologies, the construction scale and complexity have been hugely increased lately. The supervision service for construction projects therefore has become more professional and significant. In the past, the majority supervision service fee for domestic project adopted the method of a fixed percentage to construction expense. This method can be applied to small, simple or short duration construction projects; its implementation is comparatively simpler, and budgeting and schedule control is also easier; however, funding of the manpower and risk of budgeting control are entirely borne by the service vendors. In contrast, supervision service fee which adopts the "consolidated pricing" can fulfil the actual need for the projects, and can reflect cost and manpower requirement as well. Yet, this can result in a more complicated budgeting plan and might affect the quality of the supervision of the project, due to the service vendors tend to streamline manpower and cost control. Thus, for the large-scale construction projects, commissioned supervision service by adopting cost-plus-fixed-fee is a better choice of practice. The Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Technical Services Providers Entrusted by Entities was promulgated by Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan (PCC). The PCC has promoted cost-plus-fixed-fee method for project supervision service. According to the regulations, the owners need to audit the vendors’ number of person-months and related expenditures certificate and to control supervision service fees. This study analyzes the process of those cost-plus-fixed-fee projects executed in past decades. After interview with those vendors and owners involved supervision service, the study has concluded that based on the construction plan, duration and sub situation to predict the organizational structure, staffing and supervision duration is reasonable. This method estimates a reasonable number of person-months and supervision service fee which fulfil the practical situation and effective control of manpower. This method can effectively deal with supervision service change due to postponing or important modifying order of project. It also reduces the cost of risk for both the owners and the vendors. The owner can adjust the supervision manpower depends on the current project situation to monitor supervision cost. On the other hand, the owner has to hire more senior staffs to monitor construction project. This method is cost effective and suitable for large scale projects and those organizations in charge of construction plan and management.