DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLo, Hsiu-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract因應資訊化的社會,運用資訊能力已經變成是一項必備的工具,但在國中階段,資訊教育屬於新興七大議題之一,並非學習領域或考試科目,造成許多學校的資訊老師是由其他領域教師兼任,備課必須花更多心力。資訊教育課程的特性之一就是知識內容更新快速,必須時常調整以符合時代潮流所需,並且資訊課程沒有統一的課本與內容,因此,目前資訊教育面臨的問題就是各個學校的資訊教師單打獨鬥,開發重複的教材與課程內容,並且因為資訊知識更迭快速,造成教師們備課工作的困擾。 對許多人來說,網路是第一個找答案的地方,甚至已經變成是知識交流的一個重要平台。然而另一方面,傳統關鍵字的搜尋,跳出幾百萬筆的連結,讓尋找知識的過程效能反而降低,知識的獲得變得速食而且粗糙,甚至使用者無法判斷網路上知識的好壞與正確性,無法貼近個別使用者的需求,這都是目前在網路上學習時所遇到的困境。 有鑑於此,本研究以國民中學資訊教育為範圍,設計問卷,以資訊教師為調查對象,蒐集整理調查的結果,並參考研究者本身的經驗,建置資訊教育的知識本體,以利分享與交流,再搭配運用語意網(Semantic Web)的技術,設計國民中學資訊教育查詢系統,整合網路上的學習資源,對於教師備課或是學生學習,提供一個有系統與脈絡的查詢管道,以改善資訊課程的教與學。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn modern society, the ability to understand the collected information and fully exploit it has become an essential tool. However, currently in the curriculums of junior-high schools, the information courses are still listed as one of the seven kinds of emerging courses rather than the required courses such as Math and English. Hence, this results in the situation that many teachers whose professional specialties are in other disciplines (e.g., Math, Mechanical Engineering, etc.) now teach information courses in junior-high schools. Since there is no standard and shared curriculum (and textbooks) for the information courses, it usually becomes the teachers’ responsibilities to design the teaching materials for their courses by their own efforts. Also, as the information technology is changing rapidly, it has become big burdens for many teachers of information courses to keep updating their course contents almost every semester. For many people, the Internet has become the first place for them to find the appropriate answers for their encountered problems. And, it has even become an important platform for effective knowledge sharing among people. However, on the other hand, while people use the traditional keyword searches, it is not uncommon that the search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo) might display tens of millions of irrelevant information links regards to their input keyword(s), making the knowledge search process very ineffective. Sometimes, this might very frustrating for many people because it is difficult for them to tell the required information links from the irrelevant ones. Often, they just do not know which is/are the wanted (and correct) information or just another garbage link(s). For fixing (or lessening) the above problems, in this thesis, we conduct a series of research activities on using ontology and semantic web technology in improving information courses in junior-high schools. First, we design and complete a questionnaire that asks the information-course teachers about common issues in their teaching experiences. Second, based on the survey information and the use cases from teaching experiences of the researchers, we build an information-course Ontology for the junior-high schools. The Ontology can be used for knowledge sharing among information systems. Next, with semantic web technology, we design and implement an experimental query platform that could provide intelligent inference process for teachers and/or students to find interested information about the information courses in junior-high schools. In this way, we could provide a systematic approach for both teachers and students to help improve their teaching and learning activities.en_US
dc.subjectinformation courseen_US
dc.subjectsemantic weben_US
dc.subjectsearch engineen_US
dc.titleA Study on Using Ontology and Semantic Web Technology in Improving Information Courses in Junior High Schoolen_US


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