DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYeh, Yi-Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Deng-Jyien_US
dc.description.abstract知識地圖可將抽象概念的關係具體呈現,協助學生學習,診斷其錯誤概念。學生在中學階段,正處於具體操作期和形式運思期的過渡期,知識地圖的特性,正好可以輔助學生轉化過程的困難。由學生作答歷程分析了解學生的學習,提供教師診斷學生的錯誤概念。然而,傳統的線上測驗題型,不易測出學生的真實能力;再加上工具和方法的限制,使得不易自動分析學生的作答歷程。本研究根據知識地圖的架構分析學生的作答行為歷程,發現學生概念錯誤所在,提供日後教學者教學參考。 本研究採用準實驗設計法,實驗對象為國二學生349人。由系統記錄的學生的互動式題目作答歷程,來分析學生的作答類型,並根據錯誤類型,找出其在知識地圖的對應位置。研究結果顯示「互動式測驗」可提高學習成效,而中、低成就組在線上測驗表現較好,而高成就組則是紙筆測驗較佳。依線上測驗時學生的作答對錯、更改答案的次數、題目要求的次序將學生的作答行為分類。再從不同的學生作答行為風格中發現,在只有線上測驗答對情形下,摸索答對型多於熟練型;而四種題型中的排序、配合、分類題型中,摸索答對型與熟練型學生成績有顯著差異,表示在操作式題型中,學生可藉操作此三種題型來提昇學習成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractKnowledge map can present the relationship of abstract concepts concretely, help students learn, and diagnose students' misconceptions. For 13-15 year- old students, they are in a specific operating period and the formal operations of the transition period. Characteristics of the knowledge map can assist students realizing the difficulties of the process. By students’ answering behavior, it could analysis students’ learning, and also provide teachers the opportunity to diagnose students' misconceptions.However, it’s not easy to measure the students' true ability by question’s types of the online test, with the limitations of the tools and methods, it make difficult to automatically analyze students' answering behavior. In this study, the knowledge map framework for analysis of students to answer behavior, find out students' error concept, to provide reference for future educators teaching. The subjects are 349 students in 8th grade from two junior high schools in middle Taiwan. These students have studied the Arithmetic Sequence. The pre-test was executed before the online examination, two weeks after the online examination, then the paper-and-pencil examination was performed. After carrying on measured, the collection empirical data, carries on the research analysis. According to the student's answering behavior, I identify the corresponding position in the knowledge map by analyzing of students' answer type, and the type of error behavior. The results show that「ITIS」(Interactive Test Item System) can improve the effectiveness of learning, then students will be divided into three groups according to their achievement. I find that the low group in the Arithmetic Sequence is superior to the other groups in the online examination. The high group in the Arithmetic Sequence is superior to the other groups in the paper-and-pencil examination. I then classify students’ answering behavior by the right or wrong answer, frequency of changing the answer and the order requested according to online examination scores. From different students’ answer behavior, we find that only in the situation of the right online quiz answer , the type of grope is much more than the type of proficiency. In the type of Solitaire, match, classify, the type of grope is superior to the type of proficiency. As a result, it means that students learn to use the type help to improve the learning outcomes.en_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Mapen_US
dc.subjectAnalysis of the Students’ Answering Behavioren_US
dc.subjectType of the Students’ Answering Quizen_US
dc.subjectArithmetic Sequenceen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of the Students’ Answering Behavior Based on Knowledge Map-Take Arithmetic Sequence as an Exampleen_US


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