標題: 中國大陸嬰童服飾用品之炫耀性消費探討
A Study of the Conspicuous Consumption of Children's Apparel and Accessories in China
作者: 李玲榕
Lee, Ling-Jong
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 炫耀;品牌;品質;Conspicuous;Brand;Quality
公開日期: 2011
摘要: Veblen (1899) 出版《有閒階級論》,揭示了社會消費動機有很大一部分來自於對自身財富的炫耀,因擁有財富的優越感而產生的炫耀性消費,實質上帶動了經濟極大的發展。中國大陸近年之經濟成長率成長快速,城鄉居民收入提高,個人富豪興起,而少子化後的人口結構導致每名新生兒可獲取較多的資源,人民在各項消費上也會因此產生炫耀心理及互相攀比的財富競賽行為,再加上代表著教育文化階級的審美觀展現,這些心理因素及行為延伸,提供中國大陸之品牌嬰童服飾用品業者的業務拓展機會。本研究選取以中國大陸為主要市場之兩岸品牌嬰童服飾用品之上市(櫃)公司個案研究得知,品牌嬰童服飾用品業者近年來受到炫耀因素影響,透過品牌名稱或品質、服務等強化其品牌形象,在行銷其市場定位時亦強調以中高階市場為主,且品牌嬰童服飾用品公司之營收表現亦會受到社會、經濟成長及富豪興起所產生之炫耀性消費因素影響而成長。
Veblen's (1899) masterpiece, The Theory of the Leisure Class, prescribes that consumption is mainly driven by the propensity for emulation on wealth. Wealth brings superiority and encourages conspicuous consumption which drives economic development. In China as a fasting-growing economy, the incomes of rural and urban families have risen, rise in the number of millionaires. The ‘Four-Two-One’ family structure caused by the ‘one-child policy’ enables children to enjoy more prosperity. Individual consumption in various aspects has triggered the propensity for emulation on wealth. In addition, aestheticism of academic culture is developed. The extension of such mentality and behavior provides the business development opportunities in branding the apparel and accessories of children. This study shows that the brand merchants strengthen their brand image from the brand name, quality, and service, etc. The market targeting and brand positioning are focused on the mid-market to upper-market consumers. The growth of revenue from brand merchants is affected by conspicuous consumption of the emergence of wealthy people.
Appears in Collections:Thesis