標題: 男同志圈內文化與社群界限的建構:以風城部屋為例
The Culture and the Formation of Community Boundaries among Gay Men: A Case Study of GisneyLand
作者: 黃詩倫
Huang, Shih-Lun
關鍵字: 男同志;社群;界限;風城部屋;Gay;Community;Boundary;GisneyLand
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 回顧過去台灣的男同志研究中,多著重於「現身/獻身」或「出櫃」等心理探討,以及同志家屬對於本身小孩是同志的看法,這類研究著重同志心靈的變化與家屬心理的建構。有別於過去台灣同志研究的取向,本研究以男同志「圈內用語」的現象出發,企圖著眼於過去尚未注意到的男同志語言陳述、網路交友文化等,從「語言」的角度切入男同志文化的研究,來探討男同志族群語言社群的建構,由社會整體性的視野來詮釋男同志的語言文化。並且討論本研究的田野地點─風城部屋的角色與運作,它是國家官方授權的同志友善空間,國家透過風城部屋控制愛滋病的發生率,同志族群透過它向社會大眾表達正面的形象,風城部屋本身則向社會大眾宣傳防治愛滋的重要性與性別多元,並且吸引網路虛擬空間的同志進入風城部屋。男同志化被動為主動的社群建構,不受空間與時間的限制,只要一群男同志聚集一起討論他們共同的語言和文化,就形成男同志社群的出現,更能展現男同志社群的彈性。最後回歸到筆者的工作背景,期望透過本研究成果能夠帶給台灣愛滋防治實質的幫助與功效。
In Taiwan, past studies on gay men are focused primarily on the analyses of gay men’s “sexual orientation revelation” or “coming out of the closet” psychological effects, as well as how the family members view their gay children. This type of researches emphasizes the mind change of gay men and the psychological construct of their family members. In order to distinguish from past studies, based on the culture among gay men, this study attempts to focus on the aspects that haven’t been explored, such as the gay men dialogues and their online dating culture. This study explores the construction of the gay men speech community from the “dialogue” perspective. It also interprets the gay men language and culture from the social holistic perspective. A case study on the role and activities of GisneyLand is also conducted and the study results are discussed. GisneyLand is a gay-friendly social space authorized by the government officially. Via GisneyLand, the government expresses kindness and trust to the gay community, and the gay community shows its positive image to the government. GisneyLand also educates the public about the importance of AIDS preventions and treatments, as well as the diversities of sexual orientations. It also attracts gay men from online virtual space into GisneyLand. Without the limitation of time and space, gay men can build communities actively. A gay community is formed whenever a group of gay men gathers together to discuss their own language and culture. This reflects the flexibility of the gay community. Finally, in view of the author's professional background, it is expected that this study is able to provide substantial assistance and effectiveness for the AIDS prevention in Taiwan.

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