標題: 使用spring框架應用在workflow系統之設計與實作
Design and Implementation of A workflow system based on Spring Framework
作者: 陳冠良
Chen, Kuan-Liang
Tsai, Wen-Nung
Lin, Cheng-Chung
關鍵字: 電子化工作流程;企業邏輯;應用程式框架;面向導向程式設計;E-Workflow;Business Logic;Application framework;Aspect-oriented programming
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著全球化時代的來臨,企業為了提昇工作率效,紛紛導入電子化工作流程(E-Workflow),藉以整合企業內各系統。像是人事系統、ERP系統、CRM系統等等都已經與Workflow整合,使得電子表單加入很多企業邏輯,並希望透過系統來完成必要的檢查與控制,減少使用者的人為判斷,避免人為疏失造成資料的錯誤。因為工作流程需要加入更多的企業邏輯和功能,使企業邏輯程式與使用者介面混雜在一起,導致網頁程式的結構變得十分混雜,有鑑於此,本研究希望提出一套架構將企業邏輯脫離網頁(JSP)程式,讓網頁的呈現可交由網頁美術人員執行,企業邏輯程式碼的撰寫則由程式設計人員負責,達到專業分工精神。 因應目前大量的程式開發環境,已發展出很多提昇程式開發速度與程式標準化的技術,而應用程式框架提供了開發系統一個好的建置架構,選擇一個適合的框架能有效縮減系統開發時間。本研究整合Spring框架,因為它是一個輕量級容器的應用程式框架,比起J2EE與EJB框架更容易上手,它實現了控制反轉(Inversion of Control, IoC)與支援面向導向程式設計(Aspect-oriented programming, AOP) 概念,還提供持久層(Persistence)管理、交易管理(Transaction)、Spring MVC Web層等技術整合。本研究透過XML組態檔設定企業邏輯,使得美工人員可專心開發使用者介面,不用再撰寫JavaScript或Java code來控制欄位的屬性,實驗結果證實不但有效縮短網頁應用程式的開發時間,網頁程式碼也更容易維護。
With the coming era of globalization, E-Workflow has been introduced to reach the goal of System-Integration. For example, HR System, ERP System and CRM System, all were integrated with Workflow and thus lots of business logic were incorporated to avoid human negligence in causing data errors. Web program construction would become extremely disordered because of business logic mixed with User Interface since there would be more and more business logic and function inserted into Workflow system. Considering of this issue, we proposed a framework based on Spring framework to separate business logic from web pages(JSP), so that we can assign different professional persons to to design UI and programmers to be in charge of the business logic. Accompany current programming environment, many techniques were well developed to improve programming efficiency and programming standardization. Application framework provides a good framework for development systems. Developing time could be effectively reduced by choosing a suitable framework. In this research, we studied how to build a workflow system based on the Spring Framework, which is a lightweight container application framework. Spring framework could accomplish IoC, AOP and also support persistence management, transaction management and Spring MVC Web integration. We used XML file to express the business logic for web applications. Our experimental results showed that our study can not only effectively shorten the development time for Web applications, and the Web page code is easier to maintain.