Title: 運用資源配置和VPC 模型檢視競爭優勢: 以 P&G 為例
Examining Competitive Advantages of Procter & Gamble: Resource Configuration and VPC model
Authors: 黃秀貞
Keywords: 快速消費品;寶僑;品牌;競爭優勢;VPC (價值-價格-成本) 模型;資源配置;財務比率;FMCG;P&G;brand;competitive advantage;VPC model;resource configuration;financial ratio
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 快速消費品(縮寫為FMCG),又稱大眾消費用品(縮寫為CPG)基本上是製造成本較低,並以相當競爭的價格於全球市場上銷售的產品。儘管快速消費品產業的競爭十分激烈,廠商仍舊投入大量資金於產品創新和推廣活動,因而令全球各廠商間的市場占有率更加零散。甚者,品牌於消費者日常選購生活用品之際,扮演著影響甚鉅的關鍵因素。因而,位居此市場的全球各知名廠商需具備獨特競爭優勢,令自家品牌於國際市場上能脫穎而出,既而有別於其他眾多品牌。 為檢視公司之競爭優勢能否反映於財務績效,並進一步探討能否創造長期的優良績效。運用兩種模型進行研究: 第一種是資源配置模型,利用財務指標,與過去五年期間的財務平均值;另一種是創造價值(價值-價格-成本,VPC)模型,主要分析影響競爭優勢的因素。 寶僑公司(P&G)被選為主要個案進行分析,主要有鑑於其為快速消費品產業中是間擁有豐富經驗,並且為歷史悠久的製造商。另外,其持有全球市場上深具消費者信賴、優質的品牌和多樣化產品組合之一。於此項研究中,寶僑公司的主要三位競爭對手 - 嬌生,金百利克拉克,及聯合利華,也將一併納入進行競爭優勢分析。
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (abbreviated to FMCG); namely CPG (abbreviated from Consumer Packaged Goods) are essentially produced at very low costs and sold at competitive price in the global market. In spite of the fierce competition condition in the FMCG industry, the market players still invest huge amount in product innovation and promotion activities which lead to the market share among global players is more fragmented. Moreover, the brand is representing as the major key factor which influences customers’ decision-making while choosing packaged goods in the daily life. Apart from that, the leading major global players in this industry must have its own competitive advantages which make them stand out from enormous brands in the global presence. To investigate whether the competitive advantages of company are reflected on its financial performance and further whether it could create sustainable superior performance, two models are utilized, one is resource configuration using financial indicators and average ratio in the period of five years; another is Value creation (VPC) model used to examine factors driving competitive advantage. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is selected as the research case due to being an experienced consumer goods manufacturer with long history in the industry and owning one of the largest and strongest portfolios of trusted, quality brands and wide selection of product segments globally. In addition, P&G’s three competitors, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark and Unilever, are also included in the analysis of competitive advantage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis