標題: 企業社會責任和足球:分類,分析和評估企業社會責任倡議實施的英國和西班牙的職業足球俱樂部
CSR and Football: categorization, analysis and assessment of the CSR initiatives implemented by the English and Spanish professional football clubs
作者: 馬保羅
Martin, Pablo
Huang, Kevin SP
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;CSR
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在全球的擴散和廣泛的影響力的體育賽事和比賽已轉換中突出的全球社區成員的體育組織。此外,他們已經超越了體育的邊界,並成為自己龐大的公司,體育產業已成為1全球化和有利可圖的業務,與數以百萬計的類似商品,電視轉播權的概念,薪金,球員交易,並贊助體育組織。體育組織,在這個信息社會,公開非常暴露,它的行為和事蹟總是廣泛播出,並有各地的媒體反響。由體育組織​​開展的CSR活動,其中包括許多活動:運動員志願服務,教育措施,慈善/慈善捐款,社區發展,社區活動,風扇升值,健康相關的倡議,並以社區為基礎的環保計劃。這些活動的一些非貨幣的一些代表像慈善事業和慈善活動的俱樂部花費的資金。通常執行為此目的而創建的俱樂部基礎貨幣的行動。在本研究中所採用的方法包括內容廣泛的次要來源的審查和內部足球俱樂部和足球組織的目的是減少定性數據和決策意識,努力在試圖找出核心的一致性和意義進行定性分析。本研究修改和分析有關CSR的專業論文和文章,以及有關企業社會責任,更具體地說,在體育界和足球。下一步的發展為我們的研究框架後,包括英超聯賽和西班牙甲級聯賽俱樂部進行有關CSR方案的數據和信息收集到的數據進行分類,根據我們的研究框架。最後分析確定的模式,趨勢,使兩國之間的比較。 本文的數據主要來自足球俱樂部,足球組織和足球俱樂部基金會的網站中提取輔助數據。
The global diffusion and the wide reach of sport events and competitions have converted sport organizations in prominent members of the global communities. Moreover they have transcended the sport borders and become huge companies themselves, sport industry have become a globalize and profitable business, where sports organizations deals with millions in concepts like merchandising, TV rights, salaries, player trades, and sponsoring. Sport organizations, in this information society, are publicly very exposed and it acts and deeds are always broadly broadcasted and have media repercussions all over the word. CSR initiatives carried out by the sport organizations include among many activities: athlete volunteerism, educational initiatives, philanthropic/charitable donations, community development, community initiatives, fan appreciation, health-related initiatives, and community-based environmental programs. Some of these activities are non monetary and some are represent funds spending for the clubs like philanthropy and charitable initiatives. Monetary actions are normally executed by clubs foundations created with this purpose. The methodology used in this research consists in Qualitative content analysis conducted on wide ranging review of secondary sources and internal football clubs and football organization with the aim of qualitative data reduction and sense-making effort in an attempts to identify core consistencies and meanings. This study revises and analyses professional papers and articles about CSR, and more specifically about CSR in the sport world and in football. After developing a framework for our study, the next step consists of gathering data and information about the CSR programs carried out by the English Premier League and the Spanish La Liga clubs and to classify the data according to our study framework. A final analysis identified patterns, trends and made a comparison between the two countries. The data of this article will be secondary data mainly extracted from the websites of football clubs, football organization and football clubs foundations.


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