標題: 台北市中運量新運輸系統路線規劃之研究
作者: 李興泰
關鍵字: 中運量;運輸系統
公開日期: 1981
摘要: 近幾年來台北都會區在經濟快速成長的衝擊之下,都市化現象漸近為郊區化現象,連帶各項社經變數亦急劇的改變,為求改善日益惡化、混亂的交通狀況,因應而起的是數項重大的改善措施,如:快速道路興建、都市計劃更新、信義副都心設立、大眾捷運系統規劃。 在政府各項財力限制之下,短期內大眾捷運系統無法迅速實施,而快速道路亦無法負荷未來之交通需求,本研究以傳統之運輸規劃程序,作為引進中運量新運輸系統之各路線方案,此種新運輸系統各項特性之可行性在本研究中亦加以討論。 本文先以台北市之地理狀況及特性以了解此運輸系統在地理上之可行,再以原有之都市型態之發展過程修正原有之旅次分佈,配合交通量指派的方法,了解各年度之交通負荷,依此方法作敏感度分析求出可能達到中運量運輸需求之可能路線,並作工程分析,以確定路線之可用性。
Recently, in the impace of economical rapid gorwth, by the by taipei metropolis from urbanlization become suburbanlization; relation consequence the socio-economic variable is current change, so Taipei city government want refine the trouble and congesttion traffic condition, establish many trafic equipments. As: expressway establish, urban planning renew, Shin-Yi urban center, Mass rapid transit system ping-ning. But in Taipei city government finanoial limitation, Mass rapid transit system can not establish in short term, and expressway can not load traffic demand in the future, This paper uses traditional urban planning processes, to set medium rapid transit new transportation system networks, practicability and ability of new transit system is discussion in this paper. Firstly in this paper, the analyzation of the Taipei city geographical and historical urban development process to modify O-D distribution table, metch the traffic assignment method, to understand the road traffic load in goat years, It uses the method as sensitivity analysis search possible networks receive new transit system transportation demand, and the appliability of the engineer analysis, then the applicabiltity of net works can approved.