標題: 一維類神經網路的Snap-Back Repellers 與混沌行波
Snap-Back Repellers And Chaotic Traveling Waves In One-Dimensional Cellular Neural Networks
作者: 鄭雅文
Chang Ya-Wen
Jonq Juang
關鍵字: Snap-back repellers;行波;類神經系統;Snap-back repellers;traveling waves;cellular neural networks
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 在1998年,陳、許和周等人[6],在Marotto的文章中[25],找到一個錯誤。他們指出,F有一個擴張的固定點z,並不保證,F在以 r 為半徑 z 為中心的球中是擴張。後來有些論文(見,[6]、[23]與[24] )是在解決這個錯誤,可是當中都存在一些問題。其中一個問題是,他們只給了 F 在"局部"是擴張的條件。在這篇論文中,我們給一足夠的條件,使得F是 "大域"擴張。其次,是給個比較完整的snap-back repeller定義。最後,我們使用這些結果,證明在離散時間一維類神經網路(CNNs)中有時間往後的混沌行波存在。
In 1998﹐Chen et al.﹐[6] found an error in Marotto's paper [25]. The problem is that the existence of an expanding fixed point z of a map F does not necessarily imply that F is expanding in ﹐the ball of radius r with center at z. Subsequent efforts (see e.g., [6], [23]-[24].) in fixing the problem all have some discrepancies. One of the problems is that they only give conditions for which F is expanding "locally". In this thesis﹐we give a sufficient condition so that F is "globally" expanding. This﹐in turn﹐gives more satisfying definitions of a snap-back repeller. We then use those results to show the existence of chaotic backward traveling waves in a discrete time analogy of one-dimensional Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs).


  1. 250501.pdf
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  5. 250505.pdf
  6. 250506.pdf

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