Title: 網路中介模擬環境中學習任務對引導良性合作學習的影響
Impacts of Tasks on Promoting Positive Cooperative Learning in Internet-mediated Simulation Environments
Authors: 廖偉智
Wei-Chih Liao
Chuen-Tsai Sun
Keywords: 合作學習;網路中介模擬;學習任務類型;小組合作互動模式;cooperative learning;Internet-mediated simulation;task classification;small-group interaction patterns
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本研究認為為了維持良性的合作學習品質,必須將學習任務的類型納入課程設計的範疇。故參考Steiner對學習任務性質上的四種分類,於網路中介模擬環境MUD中設計教學活動,並以Milson的團體工作溝通模式為依歸來評估小組合作互動模式,探討任務類型對引導良性合作學習的影響。另一方面,也嘗試設計使用互動頻率值,來捕捉互動頻率與小組合作互動模式之間的關聯性。 我們以北部兩所高商資料處理科一年級學生作為實驗對象。實驗結果發現,連結式的任務能引導出較多良性的小組合作互動模式,因此適合施行於網路合作學習課程中。此外也發現,小組成員間互動的頻率與他們的合作互動模式存在顯著關聯,可作為評估小組合作互動模式時的一項可靠指標。
To induce positive cooperative learning experiences, it is necessary to consider task classification when designing a course. The authors use an instructional experiment conducted within an Internet-mediated simulation environment to identify the impacts of task type on promoting positive cooperative learning. We relied on Steiner’s task classifications and Milson’s small-group interaction/communication patterns when designing our experiment, and attempted to capture the relationship between interaction frequency and small-group interaction patterns. Participants were freshmen in the data processing departments of two vocational schools. Experimental results suggest that conjunctive tasks are better suited to promoting positive small-group interactions in Internet-based cooperative learning courses. Furthermore, a statistically significant relationship was noted between interaction frequencies and interaction patterns.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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