標題: 利用可程式化全像光學鑷夾系統進行微粒子分離之研究
The Study of Micro-particle Sorting with a Programmable Holographic Optical Tweezers System
作者: 曾勝陽
Sheng-yang Tseng
Sien Chi
Long Hsu
關鍵字: 粒子分離;光學鑷夾;全像;sorting;optical tweezers;holography
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 在本論文中,我們提出了以光學的方式來分離微粒子的方法。我們將光圖樣經由顯微物鏡投影在顯微鏡的樣品平面上。當樣品平面中不同大小的微粒子流經此光圖樣,不同大小的微粒子就會流向不同的方向。 為了實現上述的想法,以及產生所需的光圖樣。我們架設了一套結合電腦全像與光學鑷夾的全像光學鑷夾系統。有了此套全新的光學鑷夾系統,我們除了能夠產生任何的光強度分佈,還能一次產生大量任意分佈的捕捉光點。 藉由此套全像光學鑷夾系統,我們成功地證明了利用光來分離微粒子的可行性。並且也展示了一次同時捕捉多個微粒子,以及利用各種不同的光強度分佈來捕捉微粒子情況。
In this thesis, we propose an optical method for sorting micro-particles. By projecting an optical pattern onto the sample plane of a microscope via its objective, we can separate the sample particles of different sizes flowing to different directions in a micro-fluid channel. In order to realize the goal of this thesis, we developed a holographic optical tweezers system (HOT), which is a combination of computer generated hologram and an optical tweezers system. By using this new system, we can create any distribution of light intensity and a large number of optical traps in any arbitrary three-dimensional configuration simultaneously. Using the HOT system, we have demonstrated the micro-particle sorting with light as proposed. In addition, we also demonstrated the manipulations of multiple particles at the same time and particle-trapping under different light distributions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis