標題: Uncoiling mechanism of Klebsiella pneumoniae type 3 pili measured by using optical tweezers - art. no. 66441W
作者: Chen, Feng-Jung
Chan, Chia-Han
Liu, Kuo-Liang
Huang, Ying-Jung
Peng, Hwei-Ling
Chang, Hwan-You
Yew, Tri-Rung
Hsu, Ken Y.
Hsu, Long
Department of Photonics
關鍵字: type 3 pili;optical tweezers;mechanical properties;uncoiling force
公開日期: 2007
摘要: Pili are bacterial appendages that play many important roles in bacterial behaviors, physiology and interaction with hosts. Via pili, bacteria are able to adhere to, migrate onto, and colonize on host cells, mechanically. Different from the most studied type I and P type pili, which are rigid and thick with an average of 6 similar to 7 nm in diameter, type 3 pili are relatively tiny (3-5 nm in diameter) and flexible, and their biophysical properties remains unclear. By using optical tweezers, we found that the elongation processes of type 3 pili are divided into three phases: (1) elastic elongation, (2) uncoiling-elongation, and (3) intrinsic elongation, separately. Besides, the uncoiling force of the recombinant pili displayed on the surface of E. coli [pmrkABCD(VI)F] is measured 20 pN in average stronger than that of E. coli [pmrkABCD(VI)]. This suggests that pilin MrkF is involved in determining the mechanical properties of the type 3 pili.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/5401
ISBN: 978-0-8194-6792-8
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.733097
Volume: 6644
起始頁: W6441
結束頁: W6441


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