Title: | 光子晶體波導之傳輸行為與雙向多工元件設計 Energy transport in the photonic crystal waveguides and its application for bidirectional module |
Authors: | 許育儒 Yu-Ju Hsu 謝文峰 Wen-Feng Hsieh 光電工程學系 |
Keywords: | 光子晶體;雙波多工;雙向多工;分波多工;平面波導;積體光路;能量跳躍;光通訊元件;Photonic crystal;dual wavelength demultiplexer;bidirectional multiplexer;WDM;Planar waveguide;Photonic integrated circuit;Energy hopping;Optical communication device;coupling and decoupling |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 利用平面波展開法做分析,我們發現了在一般摻雜線缺陷的光子晶體波導內部,其能量的傳輸行為是以跳躍(hopping)的方式做傳播;此外,藉由引入固態物理中的Tight-binding理論,可以描述一個光子晶體波導其傳輸行為類似一個coupled-cavity waveguide,也是以穿遂(tunneling)的方式做傳輸。
當兩個光子晶體波導彼此靠得很近時,其能帶便會由於波導之間的耦合效應,而分裂為兩種模態(even and odd),由於發現此兩種模態在能帶中會發生能帶交叉的現象,因此,這便可以使我們找到一個decoupled frequency,利用此特殊的波導特性以及“時域有限差分法(FDTD)”之數值模擬,我們完成了双波多工元件的設計,之後更進一步地利用reduced-rod光子晶體波導其較特殊的傳播行為,而成功設計出了光通訊中的雙向多工元件。 We present an analysis of photon-transport phenomena in the 2-D triangular-lattice line-defect photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) by using plane wave expansion method. The EM field of reduced-rod waveguides is mainly localized at the defect rods. It is shown that the energy hopping through the PCW akin to the coupled-cavity waveguide. The results are illustrated by performing tight-binding curve fitting. When two PCWs close enough to each other, we found a “band-crossing” property in the dispersion relation of parallel coupled PCWs. By employing the “decoupling” at the frequency of crossing-point, we have designed a dual wavelength demultiplexer. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the particular transport behavior of reduced-rod PCW, we also design an optical bidirectional module. Both results are verified by using finite-difference time domain simulation method. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/54279 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |
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