標題: 科學創造中的意識建構過程
The constructive process of consiousness on science creativity
作者: 黃祺筌
Chi-Chen Huang
Tsin-Fu Jiang
關鍵字: 內在感官;數學;科學;物理學;藝術;哲學;心理學;創造力;意識;超意識;超感官知覺;阿賴耶識;Inner Senses;Mathematics;science;Physics;art;Philosophy;Psychology;creativity;consciousness;Superconsciousness;Extra Sensory Perception;Alayavijnana
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 摘要 為了解決這個問題---為什□數學方法可以應用在科學研究上?我們從一些著名科學家的內在創造經驗開始,藉由心理學及哲學的方法前進。 然後,我們採取一個新的觀點,認為一些著名科學家的個人創造經驗源自於超感官知覺□Extra Sensory Perception胝,來了解科學發現的過程。 最後,我們連結佛教心理學與一些中國大陸的實驗,去連繫心靈和物質,然後嘗試去解釋數學方法和自然現象一致的起因。 我們的結論是超意識或許是一個應用在科學研究的新方法。 關鍵詞:內在感官;數學;科學;物理學;藝術;哲學;心理學;創造力;意識;超意識;超感官知覺;阿賴耶識
Abstract To solve the question ------why mathematical way can be applied to science research,we started from some famous scientists' experience of creativity, and proceeded by psychological and philosophical ways. We took a new point of view that some personal experience of famous scientists creativity originated from extra sensory perception to understand the process of science discovery. Finally, we combined Buddhistic psychology with some experiments in P.R. China to connect mind and matter, and tried to explain the reason that mathematical way corresponds with natural phenomenon. We came to the conclusion that superconsciousness may be a new way applying to science research. Keywords: Inner Senses; Mathematics; science; Physics; art; Philosophy;Psychology;creativity;consciousness; Superconsciousness; Extra Sensory Perception; Alayavijnana .


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