標題: 台灣外派中國人員之文化適應探討
An Exploratory Study of Taiwanese Expatriates’Cultural Adjustment in China
作者: 黃思瑋
關鍵字: 文化差異;外派人員;跨文化適應;Cultural Difference;Expatriate;Cross-cultural Adjustment
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究以深度訪談的方式,探討台灣外派中國的員工對中國文化的認識,以及他們在中國工作時,工作、生活及人際互動上所遭遇到的跨文化適應問題與適應方式。由15位在中國至少有一年工作經驗的人員的談話內容發現,中國在政治、經濟、社會人文等面向,與台灣確有不同的文化內涵。外派人員最大的適應問題為工作適應,且工作問題的產生是受到兩岸文化差異的影響。這和一般歐美駐中國的外派人員的遭遇全不相同。台灣外派人員解決工作問題最常使用的方式為建立嚴格的管理制度與監督方式,如:軍事化的管理方式;有些外派人員整體的適應方式是以調整自己的行為來適應當地的環境,但這不等同於其認同該文化之內涵。若將文化深度高與文化深度低的外派人員在工作、生活及人際互動適應方式上相比較,則發現兩者主要的差別在工作適應的方式上,如:文化深度高的外派人員會採用懲罰的方式企圖改變對方的行為,而文化深度低的外派人員則會將自己與中國員工的生活空間做區隔;在生活與人際互動適應的方式上兩者是大同小異。因此,對台灣外派中國的員工而言,工作適應是最大問題。
This research uses a deep interview method to discuss Taiwanese expatriates’ cognition about Chinese culture, and the cross-cultural adjustment problems and adaptive mode in job, general and interact with local people in China. The results of 15 expatriates’ statement, and each of these expatriates who at least has one years work experience in China. They regard the cultural connotation between China and Taiwan in politics, economics and society are very different. The major adaptive issue for expatriates is job adjustment and it is caused by the cultural difference between Taiwan and China. These expatriates’ experiences are different from the adjustment of western business expatriates in China. The most way to solve problems on job is to establish a strict management system and supervision, e.g. militarized management; some expatriates use to adjust the behavior by themselves to adapt local environment, it doesn’t mean that they identify the cultural connotation. To compare with expatriates who are separated from the high and low culture degree, the way that they solve job adjustment is very various, e.g. The expatriates in high culture degree change Chinese employees’ behavior by punishment, and the expatriates in low culture degree separate the living space from Chinese employees and himself; but it is similar in general and interactive issue. This confirms that job adjustment is the major problem for Taiwanese expatriates in China.
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