標題: 市話門號建設規劃決策輔助觀念系統之研究
Research On The Conceptual Decision Support System For Local Switch Deployment Planning
作者: 廖瑞豐
Chang, Pao-Long
關鍵字: 電信事業;規劃決策系統
公開日期: 1991
摘要: 電信事業是一個兼具高科技及行銷技巧的特殊行業,電信總局每年資本支出預算高達800餘億元,負責電信機線建設計畫的規劃人員,一向承受極大的工作壓力,如今面臨電信總局即將公司化,進而民營化的蛻變,及外界對電信業務自由化的強烈要求,如何提升電信局的營運績效及規劃品質,以在既有基礎上,繼續確保優勢競爭能力是很重要的兩個課題。本篇論文旨在研究建立市話門號建設規劃決策輔助觀念系統,以協助規劃人員提高建設規劃的效率與效能。 本篇論文共分為五章,第一章為前言,概述研究動機,研究目的及研究方法,第二章探討臺灣北,中,南三區電信管理局現行市話門號建設規劃的共同困難所在,期能對症下藥,以發現問題,瞭解問題,分析問題,最後徹底解決問題。第三章針對市話門號建設規劃特性,探討構建市話門號建設規劃決策畏助系統的理論基礎,第四章則以第二章及第三章為基礎,將決策程序中的遞迴觀念及個人認知型態的差異,納入所構建的市話門號建設規劃決策輔助觀念系統內,包含了系統架構,作業流程及電腦操作畫面,以作為觀念系統的具體描述,並作為系統細部設計的依據,第五章則是對市話門號建設規劃決策輔助系統未來發展方向的期許。
The objective of this thesis is to establish a conceptual division support system for local switch deployment planning to promote the efficiency and performance of planning. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter one describes the research motivation. Objective, and approaches adopted. chapter two discusses the general difficulties of switch deployment planning . Chapter three is about the theories that this planning support system based on. Chapter four describes the framework and data flow of the planning support system. also gives a series of demo screens to show how this system works and what scenarios the user can request. Chapter five suggests the development procedures and the trend for future study. This planning support system is such an integrated system that we would like to have it implemented as soon as possible to help planning process and meet the future challenges.
Appears in Collections:Thesis