標題: 組織學習,知識分享行為,組織文化與經營績效之相關性分析
A Study on Interrelationship between Organizational Learning, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Culture and Performance
作者: 董家琪
Tung Chia Chi
Dr. Chyan Yang
Dr. Gin-Yuan Lee
關鍵字: 組織學習;組織文化;經營績效;知識分享行為;Organizational Learning;Organizational Culture;Performance;Knowledge Sharing
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在整體外在的大環境改變之下,企業所要面臨的風險以及不確定性加速升高,以往所憑藉的廉價勞動成本或是雄厚的資金資本,已經不再是維持企業穩定成長的萬靈丹。但是,隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,在面對瞬息萬變的競爭環境當中,知識成為達成目標與創造競爭力的不二法則。而在知識經濟的時代下,最重要的使命就是學習(learning)。學習遠比知識的獲取來得重要,因為知識必須源自於學習。 組織的文化是一種無形的力量,如同企業成員之間聯繫的橋樑,而使得企業運作能有共同的認知與步伐。組織的文化是否明確、具體則是能否凝聚企業群體的重要關鍵,同時也是決定企業運作是否一致性的影響因素之一。一旦組織全體均能夠對於完整一套具體、明確且強而有力的組織文化產生共識,那麼便能夠有效提升企業群體當中的運作效率。 知識是短暫的,必須經過不斷的修改和更新。透過學習,不但可以不斷提升組織成員的能力,並且透過知識的分享,使得組織的能力加速提升、組織的運作日益茁壯、整體運作也可以更具有彈性以因應快速改變的環境,最終的目標達到企業永續經營的理念,並且在市場中成為永遠的領導者。 本研究將以台灣產業為研究對象,以現今產業現況為研究背景,透過發放問卷的方式,對於五大產業(高科技產業、金融業、傳統製造業、服務以及其他產業)之組織學習、知識分享行為、組織文化以及經營績效等構面進行調查。經過統計資料分析過後,主要之研究結果有下列幾項: 1. 不同產業類別在組織學習構面當中的資訊傳遞與共享的詮釋兩個因素以及整體經營績效構面中有顯著的差異性。 2. 不同工作位階在經營績效構面中的財務績效因素有顯著的差異性。 3. 在同時考慮組織學習、知識分享以及組織文化對於經營績效之影響下 (1) 組織學習當中的資訊取得與資訊傳遞對於整體績效有顯著的影響。 (2) 知識分享行為當中的內隱知識分享對於整體績效有顯著的影響。 (3) 組織文化對於整體經營績效並沒有顯著性的影響,僅有其中的報酬因素對於財務績效有顯著的影響。
As the whole environment changing, many companies have to face increasingly risk and uncertainty. The cheaper labor cost and plenty capital didn’t play an important role in sustaining a company’s stable growth as they used to. But with the coming age of knowledge economics, when facing the competitive environment changing with time and different places, knowledge is the only key to achieve the goal. At the same time, learning also plays an important role in the age of knowledge economics. Because learning is the resource of knowledge, it is much more important than knowledge acquiring. The organizational culture is a kind of intangible power. It is just like the bridge which can connect the members in the organization, and it also provides the same cognition and steps. Whether the organization culture is clear and concrete or not, it is not only the key point of gathering the group of all industries, but also one of the influential factors which decides whether the whole operations of a company is consistent or not. If the organization has the cognition of a clear and powerful organizational culture, it can increase the efficiency of the organizational operation. Because of the evanescence of knowledge, it needs constantly modification and regenerate. By learning, it can not only promote the ability of the members but also accelerate the inflexibility to orient the changing environment. At last, the company can achieve the goal of perpetual life and become the leader in the competitive market. There have been a lot of studies investigating the influence between organizational learning, knowledge sharing, organizational culture and performance. In this study, we will explore on the relation ship between organizational learning, knowledge sharing, organizational culture, and performance with the empirical investigation of Taiwan manufacturing firms and service trades. Furthermore, the study also compares the difference of the different styles firms such as and running years. There were totally 300 pieces of the questionnaires issued in this study and sampling base is form Taiwan manufacturing firm and service trades. Finally, 180 pieces of valid questionnaires retrieved. The empirical results show as: 1. For different companies, there are significant difference of information acquisition information dissemination and both financial and working performance. 2. For different individual position, there is significant difference of financial performance. 3. Considering between organizational learning, knowledge sharing and organizational culture and performance: (1) Information acquisition and information dissemination have significant influence on both financial performance and working performance. (2) Knowledge sharing has significant influence on both financial performance and working performance. (3) Organizational culture has no significant influence on both financial performance and working performance.


  1. 152001.pdf

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