Title: 鋼構造梁柱接頭設計之整合系統
Integrated Design System for Beam-to-Column Connections of Steel Structures
Authors: 洪瑞南
Ruey-Nan Hong
Wen-Chen Jau
Keywords: 梁柱 ; 接頭 ; 整合系統;Beam-to-Column ; Connections ; Integrated System
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 如何讓鋼構造之梁柱接頭充份發揮應有的強度並達到安全,經濟及施工簡
設計上較常用的柱形式為 H型柱及箱型柱,梁為 H 型鋼梁。設計方法上
有美國鋼構造協會(American In- stitute of Steel Construction,簡
稱AISC)所出版的容許應力設計法(Allowable Stress Design,ASD)
及1986年出版的極限設計法(Load and Resistance Factor Design,
LRFD )。所以本文之目的即在以ISDS為分析軟體,針對由規範及文獻所發
表的梁柱接頭中,在符合足夠的強度,延展性與經濟性上,利用C 語言將
The beam-to-column connections are very important for steel
structures to achieve its full stiffness, ductility , economic
and safety in the whole design procedure. At present, most
connections types are H-column to H- beam or Box-column to H
-beam, and the design provisions with AISC-ASD or AISC-LRFD.
The purpose of the paper is to estabilish an automatic detal
design for connections of various types based on AISC -ASD and
AISC-LRFD. Examples are used to illustrate the efficiency of
this program in design. The results can be seen from the screen
and out- put to a plotter.
Appears in Collections:Thesis