Title: 一個ATM網路之多階式擁塞控制方法
A Multilevel Congestion Control Approach in ATM Network
Authors: 龍國安
Gwo-An Long
Yi-Shiung Yeh;Yaw-Chung Chen
Keywords: 非同步傳輸模式;擁塞控制;ATM;Congestion Control
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本論文中,提出了一種在非同步傳輸模式下,保證不流失重要資料的多階
層擁塞控制的方法。非同步傳輸模式已由 CCITT建議為發展寬頻整合服務
有要求連線資料切成固定大小的 cells,以統計式多工的方法送到同一傳
交換。為了得到這些效益,網路也面臨了新的問題。由於網路無法用 RR/
RNR 訊息控制網路負載,因此容易使網路產生擁塞的情況,降低網路的效
使得代表重要資料的 cells,不會有被丟棄的可能,一方面可提高網路效
In this thesis, a multiple level congestion control mechanism
is proposed for ATM congestion control, this method guarantees
that high priority data cells will never be discarded. ATM(
Asynchronous Transfer Mode ) is expected to be adopted by the
International Consulative Committee for Telephone and
Telegraph( CCITT ) as the multiplexing/switching technique for
B-ISDN. In ATM, calls are multiplexed on a cell( fixed 53
bytes ) level, it does not have the traditional rigid channel
structures. Using statistical multiplexing, it has more
bandwidth efficiency and flexiblity. It also fits the bursty
nature of the traffic on ATM. To take these benefits,
newproblems are presented. Since the network cannot control its
load with RR( Receiver Ready )/RNR( Receiver Not Ready ). The
network may be congested when many traffic sources transmit
their data in the same time. The congestion control mechanisms
existed, simply discard the new coming cells when the buffer is
full. In a high speed network, a great amount of data may be
dropped when the buffer is full, and it is infficient if we
retransmit these lost data. We proposed an admission control
scheme which decides whether a new call request is accepted or
not according to the buffer size and burst length of the call.
By counting the sum of burst length of all calls to be passing
through the node, if it does not exceed a threshold of buffer
size, it is accepted, otherwise it is rejected. Combined this
admission control with the control mechanisms in the other
level, we can make sure that high priority cells will never be
discarded due to a buffer overflow, as a consequence,this
method improves the efficiency , realiability and QOS( Quality
Of Service ) of the network.
Appears in Collections:Thesis